The Student Room Group

Help! is he on the rebound??

Ok so i have a major prob.

I have been dating a guy for 6 weeks now. On saturday he decided to tell me 8 weeks ago he split form his fiancee of 6 months!!. Originally told me he couldnt afford his own place so was sleeping on on someones sofa, turns out he was sleeping on his own sofa until his ex moved out.

Also I kind of heard some gossip that he was getting marreid but wanted to wait to see if he told me himself.

He says he really likes me and the prob is ive started to really like him, but i dont want to set myself up for a fall if hes on the rebound.

any suggestions?
Take things slowly. Talk to him. Tell him how you feel, that you are worried you might be a rebound thing and dont want to get hurt. the more open you are the easier it will be to work out how things are going.
Reply 2
I did tell him im worried, and although he said there is not a chance they will ever get back together he said hes still not 100% sure it was the right decision so i dont want to get a month down the line and find i like him even more and he wants to end it, but i guess you have to take the risk