The Student Room Group


i fainted for the first time even this morning and i have no idea why. i was not particulary hot i had just ate a mars bar so was not hungry. i feel and cracked my head knocking myself out only for a few seconds and my hand which got kind squashed is black and blue. i did start to feel dizzy and sick about 5 minutes before i collapsed, but i felt ok again when i came round and carried on the day as normal. Is it normal to faint like this for no apparent reason?? thanku
You need to see a doctor, even if you feel ok. The most common cause is iron deficincy anamia. But get a blood test all the same.
Your dizzyness maybe due to a lack of carbohydrate in your diet. I read this somewhere a long time ago your brain needs carbs maybe eating a bit more carbs will help ?
Reply 3
i fainted for the first time even this morning and i have no idea why. i was not particulary hot i had just ate a mars bar so was not hungry. i feel and cracked my head knocking myself out only for a few seconds and my hand which got kind squashed is black and blue. i did start to feel dizzy and sick about 5 minutes before i collapsed, but i felt ok again when i came round and carried on the day as normal. Is it normal to faint like this for no apparent reason?? thanku

Sometimes it just happens for no known reason its happened to me a few times the way you described and Id consider myself healthy. Its more common in the teenage years probably cause of hormones. If its a one off then I wouldn't worry.
No it could be serious. I fainted once and was otherwise healthy and later found out it was quite bad. Wont do you any harm to have a blood test
Reply 5
No it could be serious. I fainted once and was otherwise healthy and later found out it was quite bad. Wont do you any harm to have a blood test

What did you find was wrong if you dont mind me asking?
Reply 6
i fainted for the first time even this morning and i have no idea why. i was not particulary hot i had just ate a mars bar so was not hungry. i feel and cracked my head knocking myself out only for a few seconds and my hand which got kind squashed is black and blue. i did start to feel dizzy and sick about 5 minutes before i collapsed, but i felt ok again when i came round and carried on the day as normal. Is it normal to faint like this for no apparent reason?? thanku

i fainted before and it happened early in the morning right in front of the infirmary. unfortunately the infirmary was closed so i didn't quite know what to do. i was pretty panicked and shocked at that time when i woke up seeming as it was my first time ever having a syncope experience (although it only happened for a few seconds). the first thing that i could think of was to try and pull myself together and call my dad and ask him to get me a doctor's appointment. i think you should do that too; go see the doctor. it might just be stress, migraine, dehydration, low blood pressure or in my case, it was low glucose level (and perhaps stress too). a friend of mine also fainted before and she told me it was due to lack of Fe or something. so don't worry about it too much. hopefully it was nothing major. :smile: take it this way, at least there's another interesting story of your life that you can share with others who hadn't experienced it before. :wink:
I faint all the time. I'm very prone to hypoglycæmia and low BP, and I also suffer from orthostatic hypotension (extreme dro in blood pressure upon sitting or standing up). It's fairly common in young people to suffer from syncope upon elevation, or due to dip in blood sugar because of fluctuations in the metabolism. Keep yourself well hydrated, and make sure you're eating properly, and you should be fine.

However, any loss of consciousness (even for a few seconds) is significant, and could indicate an underlying problem. It is always important therefore to go to the doctor and ask him or her to check you out.