The Student Room Group
Course you would. Can't let the poor bugger get soaked if you're trying to pull him lol :biggrin:
A girl I like did it for me and it made me think... It's not a big deal, but it's a nice gesture. So yes, if it rains do it!
Holding an umbrella over a blokes head doesnt mean you want him to shag you. Its means you dont want him to get wet. Im not sure its possible he could think otherwise.
Reply 4
I personally as the guy always offer to carry the umbrella anyway, thus leaving me with no chance of getting wet :biggrin: of course I try and make sure she doesn't get wet either...
I think you could be reading too deep into all this, but if when you're holding the umbrella, both your hands are on the handle or something then it might have given *some* signals, but nothing major league.

Personally, I don't mind getting soaked, as long as my hair dye doesn't run :p: (green skin is not becomming)