The Student Room Group

Sty in eye

A friend of mine has a sty (spelling?!) in her eye, and she's want to try and buy something for it, what can people recommend over the counter? The only thing she has at the moment is Golden Eye ointment, but hasn't used it because she's not sure if it's for stys. You don't normally have to go to the doctor for it unless it gets really bad do you?Thanks for any advice.
Reply 1
A friend of mine has a sty (spelling?!) in her eye, and she's want to try and buy something for it, what can people recommend over the counter? The only thing she has at the moment is Golden Eye ointment, but hasn't used it because she's not sure if it's for stys. You don't normally have to go to the doctor for it unless it gets really bad do you?Thanks for any advice.

hey, i had a stye (sp?!) about 3 years ago and i had to get it surgically removed! It's a very simple procedure but at the time i rmemeber there wasnt anything i could use/take to get rid of it...

..i hated it soo much :redface: i would suggest ask the pharmacist/doctor ie you need some sort of professional advice rather than advice from us tsr peeps!
Reply 2
I had a stye and went to a private clinic where they said I could get it surgically removed if it get getting bigger and it hasn't so I just left it, they said if that was the case just to wash around that area of the eye with a different sponge from rest of the face.
It may go i its on time if she does not stress about it too much as mine is.
Reply 3
You can use Golden Eye for stys. It's always worked for me, anyway. Mine don't go down on their own, which some can, so I need a little extra help! I prefer the drops to the ointment, but it's just a personal thing cos I don't like putting the lotion on!
You can buy Golden eye ointment or Brolene eye drops/ointment. Ask the pharmacist what they think is best/if it is apropriate.
Reply 5
2 years ago, the doctor told me i had a stye and gave me eye drops that didnt work and i went to another doctor who told me i had orbital cellulitis and gave me more medicine which worked but it came back once i stopped it.. umm and all the doctors told me a differnt problem i had... so anyways this doesnt refer to your question i guess. try the eye drops n if its still there.. find a doctor.
I'd suggest seeing a doctor first cos they can prescribe you things that usually work better than over the counter stuff. Plus it might not be a stye so its always worth seeing them first.
Reply 7
Whenever I got them my mom always just made me wash out my eye with water like every hour and not touch it. They always went within like 2 days.
Reply 8
i used brolene and applied a warm compress to the eye area as often as possible each day. it eventually went away.
Reply 9
Yeah, very warm flannel, wrung out and placed on the area can draw it out and it should go.... they are usually caused by stress....
Dumb question, but what's a stye?
Reply 11
Dumb question, but what's a stye?

Stupid answer, but use google?
Reply 12
Hiyarrrr, bit late but I get them sometimes....

Fill a thermol flasky thing with very hot (but not boiling water), close your eye (not tightly) and hold it over the top of said flask.

It helps disperse the stye or similar and works for me. When I've got one abut 4-5 times a day helps.....

Preferably you need a flaske with quite a small space at the top, I know what I'm trying to say but I can't think of the word..... :rolleyes:
have you tried rubbing something made of gold (like a ring) on it?
i know people dismiss it as an old wives tale, but i was quite surprised to find that it does actually work. those old wives aren't stupid!

failing that you should go the doctor.
I'd suggest seeing a doctor first cos they can prescribe you things that usually work better than over the counter stuff. Plus it might not be a stye so its always worth seeing them first.

But the pharmacist should be able to tell whether it's a stye, so probably better to go see them first before taking up an appointment space that wasn't really needed.
Reply 15
Thanks for all your advice, I'll tell her to have a go with the ointment and the warm compress thing. Must be an uncomfortable thing, i'd hate to have something wrong in my eye.
Reply 16
I used the Golden Eye ointment and mine went away like that day.
Reply 17
I'd get an eye bath- boil some water and add in loads of salt and thne allow it to cool- then fill the eye bath- tip your head back and blink rapidly- do this lots and it's go away straight away. I used to get them a lot becuase i fiddle with my eyelashes!!! :biggrin:
Reply 18
Golden eye ointment is wonderful stuff, so is Brolene. Both safe to use.
Stys are caused by stress and over tiredness and cum up as lumps on the bottom of ur eyelid nearest 2 ur nose. I get them alot especially when im doing long shows. Salt water is gud 4 them but i use brolene mostly and us eit twice a day. Takes about 2 days 4 them 2 go down depending on how big the sty actually is. Asda & tesco pharmacy and many places sell brolene i recomend it.