The Student Room Group

I Hate Street Preachers

Those frigging annoying old people who stand about preaching the word of the Lord to a disinterested public. They piss me right off. I had one knob end on my bus today, some crazy, wrinkled old African woman, who told us all about 5 times in the space of a 10 minute bus ride that we're all going to hell and to repent. I felt like saying '**** you you old ****ing hag, why don't you, instead of sitting on the bus being an unemployed piece of **** drain on society, get a ****ing job, pay taxes and contribute to society instead of pointing out all our flaws'.

Jesus told us to convert non-believers through our actions, not our words. The people who stand around telling us all what horrible people we are are usually the ones who have accumulated more sins in their lives than the rest of us and think they can save their putrid souls by standing about, annoying people by quoting Bible verses they don;t understand and telling us how to live our lives. How about this you old crone, why don't you shut up and be of use to someone instead of just being a worthless lump of meat and trying to cover up your own failings in the eyes of God in the vein hope that he will forgive you for getting that abortion/taking all that heroin/becoming a prostitute/killing that child/raping that dog, by being a loud mouthed tosser.
I like the Manic Street Preachers, however.
Reply 2
Some of them bug me too.

There's the dude on Oxford St, outside the station with his microphone, who chats crap. Trying to make us feel bad for shopping. I felt like going up to him and telling him that he's turning away people rather than 'saving' them. How's he supposed to get people on his side while criticising them?
Reply 3
Thats the thing, they don't do it for our sake, they do it for their own! And they think God won't see this? They disgust me
Some of them bug me too.

There's the dude on Oxford St, outside the station with his microphone, who chats crap. Trying to make us feel bad for shopping. I felt like going up to him and telling him that he's turning away people rather than 'saving' them. How's he supposed to get people on his side while criticising them?

Yes, that weird man ^o) he’s such a freak.

Lets be honest, they’re doing it for the attention :rolleyes:
Yes, that weird man ^o) he’s such a freak.

Lets be honest, they’re doing it for the attention :rolleyes:

One of them was voted London Person of the month by :rolleyes:
One of them was voted London Person of the month by :rolleyes:

as much as i hate street preachers thats another thing you students and now street preachers..
well i dont mind emos and art students i like them. but street preachers are so irritating!

i really hate it when they say things like 'we are going to hell to repent!'
they really need to F*** off...and get a life
Reply 8
Yes, I hate a lot of people. I'm not even close to being done with my list of threads
Reply 9
Liam The Eagle
Yes, I hate a lot of people. I'm not even close to being done with my list of threads

I like Manic Street Preachers
Reply 10
I like the Manic Street Preachers, however.

haha i when i first saw the title of this thread i thought it was about the manic street preachers. haha

but yeah i hate them too.
forcing their knowledge of the lord upon people who dont want to know.
theres always a guy who stands next to camden tube station and preaches everyday and unsults people as they walk pass and say that they need the lord.
i also find alot of people preach really loudly on busses :mad: but i have my ipod so its not all bad. but when they get started my god they never shut up :mad:
The pieces of **** do it on buses because they know you can't get away. If Society wouldn't condemn me for doing it, i'd probably punch the lot of them in the mandible until they ceased their jibber-jabber
I'm surprised nobody has started a "I hate Liam_The_Eagle" thread yet.
Reply 13
I'm surprised nobody has started a "I hate Liam_The_Eagle" thread yet.

ahahah maybe someone will