The Student Room Group

Contraception advice please

hi everyone,

its my first time posting a thread so I dont know how to start this off, but here goes:

right well, me and my boyfriend have been going out for quite a few months now, and we have kind of made the decision that we're ready to have sex. but the thing is, after hearing about all these condoms splitting or tearing, and therefore the fact that theyre not always effective,well have to say it kinda freaks me out!!!yes i'll admit i am scared of getting pregnant, as due to family issues, and timing, it really isnt the best time atm, and I really dont want to have to go through with abortion because that scares me too!yes yes i'm a scaredy cat:p: but I also dont want to have to remember to take the pill everyday, as I'm kind of bad at that, and cant think of anything better to use in my situation other than a condom, but I'm scared of just in case the condom does rip. could you please tell me how often this has happened if it has, and any other better methods of contraception to use? any advice would be greatly appreciated, and thank you for taking the time to read this!

thanks again!

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Get an implant. Nothing to forget! Well.. not for a few years.
Reply 2
You're kind of in a no-win situation here. You don't want to get pregnant, but you worried about using a condom or the pill. There isn't a whole lot more you can do, apart from sterilization (I'm not reccomending this, by the way).
Reply 3
You could combine methods of contraception, then there is even less likelyhood of the being a problem. I don't know figures on condoms splitting, but they will be pretty small - if you are carefully putting it on so its not torn etc....

If you did go on the pill and combined it with using a condom as well (the pill won't protect against STDs) then you have got even less chance of something going wrong. The pill won't work straight away though, so you would need to make an appointment and see you doctor and give time to start the pill before you had sex if thats what you wanted. I like using the pill for its other benefits as well, knowing when I will have a period, having lighter periods, being able to avoid them when I am on holiday etc. I have my packet in my sponge bag so when I go to use it in the morning I take it then. If you were to use the pill pick a time to take it when you are more likely to remember. You could go and see you doctor, atlk to them about the pill, and also what other options you have.
Reply 4
There are several other options available to you.

There's the implant, the injection or the coil just for starters.
Reply 5
Urgh friend had that and she said it was absolutlely awful!! I still think the pill is the best option. I thought i'd be forgetful with it, but you soon get into the habit of taking it every day and don't listen to what people say about taking at exactly the same time every day. That's a load of old codgers, as long as you take it around the same time, i.e. morning, avo or evening, its generally fine. For example, i always take mine whenever i wake up, whether that be 8 or 12! Oh and it makes your periods a lot lighter!!:wink: :p:
Reply 6
id say go on the pill and use condoms. i may seem like a hassle taking it everyday for3 weeks but u get used to it and it becomes part of ur routine. plus its much less hassle than having a baby.condoms do occasionally split yes but if you are on the pill at least u have peace of mind that the chance of getting pregnant is greatly reduced.
Reply 7
Firstly, try not to be paranoid about condoms. They really are quite effective provided you use them properly. If your bloke is pretty enormous make sure you get larger ones (the normal condoms are fine for most sizes), and the key thing is to actually read the instructions and make sure you don't trap any air in the end of the condom, as that is a main reason why they can split. If you were just using condoms and they did ever split then you'd have to take the morning after pill - I guess that's the main disadvantage. It's quite rare though.

Secondly, if you're really worried it would be a good idea to go on the pill, while still using condoms. I am forgetful but I still went on it and managed to remember almost every day! Setting an alarm should ensure you remember. Plus, on the combined pill there is a 12 hour window in which you can still take it, so while it's more effective if you always take it at the same time, if you're using condoms as well it will still be an extremely effective method of contraception.
Reply 8
id say go on the pill and use condoms. i may seem like a hassle taking it everyday for3 weeks but u get used to it and it becomes part of ur routine. plus its much less hassle than having a baby.condoms do occasionally split yes but if you are on the pill at least u have peace of mind that the chance of getting pregnant is greatly reduced.

It didn't become part of mine, and I forgot to take it, oops. So i decided to get stabbed with the bigass implant needle..

Just hoping periods will settle, etc now.
Reply 9
The Welsh Lady
Urgh friend had that and she said it was absolutlely awful!!

Well, I'm on the implant and I say it's absolutely fantastic :p:
Reply 10
It didn't become part of mine, and I forgot to take it, oops. So i decided to get stabbed with the bigass implant needle..

Just hoping periods will settle, etc now.

Has implant caused irregular periods for you? Mine have just disappeared! Yay :smile:
Reply 11
it may sound like a stupid question but how does the implant work?im sory if im causing you any trouble!

Reply 12
Has implant caused irregular periods for you? Mine have just disappeared! Yay :smile:

I don't really know yet - was on the pill before I got the implant, then was on it for the first week because I forgot my pill before that and cos it doesnt kick in for the first week unless its put in on the first day of your period, so the period I'm having now is the one because I stopped taking the pill. But hopefully after this one they'll go away entirely :biggrin:

Edit - no idea how it physically works, but it's a little piece of plastic that sits in your arm and releases progesterone daily for 3 years
Reply 13
it may sound like a stupid question but how does the implant work?im sory if im causing you any trouble!

Reply 14

Edit - no idea how it physically works, but it's a little piece of plastic that sits in your arm and releases progesterone daily for 3 years

I don't think it releases 'once a day' I think it is just constantly releasing, if only in teeny tiny weeny amounts.
Reply 15
Yeah that would probably make more sense :tongue:

Bring on the no-periods for 3 years... Please... ^^
Reply 16
Yeah that would probably make more sense :tongue:

Bring on the no-periods for 3 years... Please... ^^

I keep thinking about changing from the injection to the implant so that I wouldn't have to keep going back to the FPC/doctors every 11/12 weeks, but I don't wanna take the risk that my periods would come back on it. After 2 and a half years on the injection without, I'm not sure I could handle PMSing again...
Well, I'm on the implant and I say it's absolutely fantastic :p:

I was talking about the horrible coil thing not the implant!!:wink:
Reply 18
erm you could get a diaphram, i dont know much about them so i shall find a website

however it does not stop you getting stds. all the info you need to know is in the website so take a look.
Reply 19
erm you could get a diaphram, i dont know much about them

:eek: ONLY 86-94% effective! I'd rather be on something that hasn't had a pregnancy reported so far :biggrin: