The Student Room Group

Taking the pill

This is basically a hypothetical question that has been making me wonder for a while - I'm not planning on doing this or anything so no need to get grrr at me

Ok so you take exactly the same pill for 21 days.
Then you stop for 7 days and have a period, mimicking your natural cycle
If you need to you can run two packs together.

What would happen if you ran 2 packs together but didn't finish the second pack? Like basically took the pill for 4 weeks and then stopped.

Now my biology makes me think that you would probably still be protected. I mean your progesterone levels are gonna be elevated as per usual right?

Unless it's something to do with Circadian Rhythms... but then running 2 packs together wouldn't work... I think... Any medics know?
I think your fertility rate would be much lower than usual but there would still be a chance of pregnancy and therefore you arent one hundred percent protected when you come off the Pill
Reply 2
I don't think you'd be adequately protected, or if you were protected it'd only be for like 24hrs after when you took the last pill.
Reply 3

What would happen if you ran 2 packs together but didn't finish the second pack? Like basically took the pill for 4 weeks and then stopped.

Now my biology makes me think that you would probably still be protected. I mean your progesterone levels are gonna be elevated as per usual right?

Answer: If you're not sure. Don't risk it. :smile: I had the implant put in in the middle of a 2nd pack of pills and the doc said I might not be protected for a week. Sooooo.. I didn't take any risks :smile:
Reply 4
Ok so bumping this back up to the top because so far nobody knows the answer...
Reply 5
Ok so bumping this back up to the top because so far nobody knows the answer...

I don't think there is one except 'Don't risk it'
Reply 6
Theres no 100% guarantees, so its not really worth the risk.
Reply 7
*rolls eyes*
Right read the bit where it says that this is a hypothetical question because I'm a biologist and it interests me
Now does anybody know the real answer?
Yes you can. If you have taken a 21 day pack, then begin another immediately, you can stop anytime in that pack for a 7day break before beginning a new pack. You will be protected, as long as you begin taking the pill again after the 7day breal. I don't know the biology of this is, I just found it on a website when I was looking for the answer to this (not so hypothetical in my case) query. I hope this answers your question.
Reply 9
i wouldnt do it... not sure what teh consequences are, so i wouldnt do it.

People on here are not doctors... if you really want t know the answer, ask a doctor. I always worry about people asking medical questions on here - some people give some really wrong advice.