The Student Room Group

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every other day personally, some girls need to do it every day though
Reply 2
I used to shave about every 2 days but now I've taken to waxing, which is much better and doesn't make me feel like a man!
Reply 3
can a poll be added to weekly, daily, only when going out...or never!!
Reply 4
Every day, do my legs every other day in the bath :smile:
erm how about as soon as there is enough to shave?

Every day, do my legs every other day in the bath :smile:

high maintenance lol. if u epilate then they stay silky smooth for a week :wink:
Reply 6
I get them waxed every 4 weeks, but I could get away with doing it every 3 though.
Somewhere between every other day and about 3/4 days....
Reply 8
Shave every day. Have to, i have dark hair. xx
Reply 9
Whenever I shower really; every 1-2 days.
Reply 10
hardly ever, but to be honest mine doesn't really grow...i think i'm some sort of a freak. sometimes i run the blade under there just to feel like a person! lol
when i need to...
Reply 12
Every time I have a shower - it's just habit to pick up the razor now.
If they’re going to be seen, I shave them. Otherwise no.

But they take two years to grow a centimetre ^o) glad my hair’s not like that :eek:
Reply 14
I epilate, which keeps them smooth for up to two weeks.
Reply 15
When i have to! And def when i'm going out clubbin or anything. Every 2 days id say. Why?:biggrin:
Reply 16
Every day normally!
dont read it then!!

Armpits daily, legs whenever I'm going on a night out or wearing a skirt
Reply 19
Whenever they need it, generally every 2-3 days.