The Student Room Group

Starting weights again

Hey - So Im starting to lift weights and get a lot healthier again.

Thing is, our gyms being built at the moment, so I don't exactly have a load of equipment to play with.

But some weights have arrived - with a couple of dumbell bars and the longer lifting bar.

I want to set up a week routine using just these for the moment - I've got a good idea of what I'd do, like;

Monday - Back, triceps
Tuesday - off
Wednesday - Chest, biceps
Thursday - off
Friday - Legs, shoulders

But Im a bit stuck as to what excersises I could do for all these using just the equipment I have at the moment - and we won't be ordering any more till the gyms done - which could be a while.

Reply 1
So what exactly do you need advice on..?
Reply 2
Exercises using only these weights - to be able to exercise the areas in the weekly plan.
Reply 3
So you have barbells and dumbells, what more were you hoping for?

Legs: squats, deadlifts, stiff legged deads, hack squats bla bla bla
pushing movements: military press, bench press, close grip bench
pulling: bent over rows, curls

only thing ur lacking is pulldowns/chin-ups.