Well slap my bottom and call me the new Dr.Atkins. I have spent many years researching and collecting information on how to lose weight effectively and safely. One has to understand how the body works in order to shed those pounds of flab and to also increase muslce mass. My advice is simple and easy to follow, no complicated diet charts or excercises just pure simple and effective techniques... FACT..
Step 1: Go out there and buy my book "So you want to lose weight, fatty?"... it is a 20 page paperback printed on recycled soya and chinese newspapers...
Step 2: Buy two more...
Step 3: Eat one book for breakfast, one for lunch and one for dinner...
It is that simple folks, just nibble on my latest book and watch that lard melt right off*
*N.B I am not responsible if you do actually melt while following my advice, nor am I responsible for G.I bleeding/stomach cancer/ bowel cancer/ ulcers caused by eating the book...