The Student Room Group

Anybody here staying @Arrad House?

Hi there!
I have just been around Liverpool today looking for accommodation for Sept and decided upon Arrad House because 1) I can stumble out of bed and be at my campus, it is so close and 2) I like the Student Village arrangement thing and 3) my closest neighhbour is Font Bar so Im very happy!
I have been reading afew threads and have not seen Arrad House mentioned, which I thought I would because its all full up now I have taken the last room so if anyone is living in or around there: hello!!!
Reply 1
Hi I'm staying in Arrad House in september! can't wait!! . Looking forward to being able to just fall out of bed and into Uni (almost...lessons are in Dean Walters!). Do you know what flat you're staying in yet?
Reply 2
hiya just thought id rite on ere cause me n han r moving to arrads house flat 14, were are both your flats? x
Reply 3
I'm moving into flat 5 and i know noone! agggh! but i imagine it'll be good fun once have settled in. might see you guys around!