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Reply 1

and i do not see my self very eager enough to be just doing girl watching whenever i am out, i have more attentive things and thoughts to attend to at the very moment.:confused:
What? :rofl:

Are you trying to tell us you're so attractive girls can't stop staring at you?

A likely story.
Reply 2
Seize the opportunities.
do you want us to tell you want to hear..........its because they think you're so nice.
Reply 4
do you want us to tell you want to hear..........its because they think you're so nice.

seriously, what?
why do girls always stare at me for quite long as if they wish to talk right away, that is of course never possible out of the way,

and i do not see my self very eager enough to be just doing girl watching whenever i am out, i have more attentive things and thoughts to attend to at the very moment.:confused:

Maybe they can't quite believe how ugly you are? :wink:
Reply 6
Ok, I've seen some very self-indulgent threads on here in the past but dear lord...
Reply 7
why do girls always stare at me for quite long as if they wish to talk right away, that is of course never possible out of the way,

and i do not see my self very eager enough to be just doing girl watching whenever i am out, i have more attentive things and thoughts to attend to at the very moment.:confused:

sarcasm, i like it
Reply 8
if thats you in your picture no wonder they stare.
Reply 9
your "presence"? What are you, some sort of God?
Reply 10
hey this is all true and is not a day or two kind of stuff, i think its how others are seeing you,

yes i think so, as far as my presence tells, i have found girls through out my schooling, college and career, one who will be mad after me , approaching to have a word or some fake "please help me with this" and am amazed to see their infatuation, which it is infatuation in the end,
the others are so shy that my presence itself or my handing out to them something, ooooh u have got to see how these girls go shy as Cinderellas ,as soon as i come near,
and i have seen that as against my pictures,... my actual presence, my voice and my eyes and the way i say things is the most attractive to females,

i think it is the actual presence and i think some magic too!!!:biggrin:

Let's have a little test

Go to and post your pic on the website... then 5 or 6 days later come back and tell us what rating people give to your photograph...

Be honest about it, come on...

Then I'll tell you the next part... until then ttyl:wink:
Reply 11
I have the same problem. People so often don't realise how debilitating it can be to be under constant scruteny.

Girls staring all day long has serious repurcussions... I sometimes wish I had a set of blinkers I could wear.

It gets even harder when one has a girlfriend. Jealousy most often ensues. And not even the proposal of "sharing me" brings resolution to the problem.

The easiest way to relieve the pain and strain of being so good looking is to avoid public places.Don't go out and have facial augmentation surgery. Alternatively dive off your roof head first or throw a brick at a group of chavs.

Most of all, remain strong. Don't let it get you down. The descrimination us good looking folk face will end one day.
Reply 12
If you don't like girls looking at you, then ignore them. You wouldn't know they were looking at you unless you were also looking at them.
Reply 13
I have the same problem. People so often don't realise how debilitating it can be to be under constant scruteny.

Girls staring all day long has serious repurcussions... I sometimes wish I had a set of blinkers I could wear.

It gets even harder when one has a girlfriend. Jealousy most often ensues. And not even the proposal of "sharing me" brings resolution to the problem.

The easiest way to relieve the pain and strain of being so good looking is to avoid public places.Don't go out and have facial augmentation surgery. Alternatively dive off your roof head first or throw a brick at a group of chavs.

Most of all, remain strong. Don't let it get you down. The descrimination us good looking folk face will end one day.

*chuckles soo hard side seams rip*
Reply 14
ya this has happened to workout , but only in non-professional, or nonsocial settings,

see what happens when i am talking about the company where i work for, and then it hurts, and you can also never be rude, :redface:

You'll just have to get used to it then. Or find a job where there are less girls. Where I work I'm the only girl in the whole of the engineering and maintenance department and while most of the guys are great, some of them are a bit creepy and I just pretend not to notice.
Reply 15
Let's have a little test

Go to and post your pic on the website... then 5 or 6 days later come back and tell us what rating people give to your photograph...

Be honest about it, come on...

Then I'll tell you the next part... until then ttyl:wink:

thats a hilarious site! only prob is theres no end....and i cant stop rating, getting to the point its just random numbers now...cant see how some have got such high ones though..or why the **** some people put theres up...must be just piss-takes..half tempted to put mine up, tho cant risk getting my ego stomped straight into the ground...
Reply 16
why do girls always stare at me for quite long as if they wish to talk right away, that is of course never possible out of the way,

and i do not see my self very eager enough to be just doing girl watching whenever i am out, i have more attentive things and thoughts to attend to at the very moment.:confused:

Cause you have a big wart on the tip of your nose. :p:
You wouldn't perchance be the guy who said he looked like a pidgeon? If so, that could be why.
Reply 18
your "presence"? What are you, some sort of God?

Reply 19
Post a pic.