i used to get panic attacks.. i would feel out of breath and really nauseous (spelling?!) and very panicky. i had irrational fears of being sick in public or crying .. just stupid things. try talking to your friend, talk through irrational fears she has however stupid or insignificant she thinks they are..
this may not be very encouraging, but i got them in my 2nd year at secondary.. i was off school for nearly a m onth whilst i went to the doctors feeling sick..everytime i thought i got better i would try going to school and the sick feeling would come back so id go home again.. eventually i stopped complaining about feeling sick because i thought nobody would care/understand/ and most of all beleive me and not just think i was trying to skive school.. i was very miserable and a couple of months later realised that it was panic attacks, and managed to work out what triggered them - this is crucial to overcoming them.. which is why you need to help her work out what she is afraid of.. talk through everything, each situation, she may be embarrassed to come out with it to you, but by talking stuff through she might be able to work it out for herself.. then she needs to work out ways of controlling the situation.. at first i avoided the situations which brought them on.. then i forced myself into them, telling myself that my nauseous feelings were all in my mind and that it wasnt phsical sickness. it was very difficult and mentally exhausting, and i wish i had had someone to share it with. your friend is lucky to have you,but she has to learn to trust you with this one, the minute you show any doubt about her, or lack of encouragement she will stop sharing her problem with you.. this is a very personal problem. she must learn tefchniques to overcome it.. with me, i learned to breath really deeply, grind my teeth or sip water.. or talk to someone to take my mind of it.. i soon realised that the less i worried about the attack coming on, the less they actually came on (good cycle to get into) as soon as you overcome one.. youre on a good track, you think great i can do it again.. if you have any more questions or comments please feel free to pm me.. because i wish someone couldve helped me so im happy to talk about it with others x