I've been seeing this guy on an off for a few months. On paper he's so perfect...really smart, good looking, sweet, really good at everything BUT he's just too nice! He asks my permission when he wants to kiss me, his response is always 'whatever you want sweetie', he wants to take everything sooooo slow and he never fails to call me at the exact time I ask.
I don't know what to do because I feel like I've found the perfect guy but the problem is...it's not sexy! I like a guy to take control sometimes, to be spontaneous and fun. Is this askin too much? Anyone else felt something similar?
Do you think I should just stick with Mr Nice guy, cos let's face it how many good lookin, nice AND sexy guys are there out there, hope he'll change OR look for someone who I find really attractive. I don't want the cliche 'bad boy' but this guy is just too nice! HELP!