The Student Room Group

Being ignored

My boyfriend is a great guy. I enjoy spending time with him and such. Lately however, whenever he calls me, we talk for a couple of minutes, then he gets on his computer and either starts chatting on MSN while I'm still on the phone or he starts playing video games on his Gamecube.

Now, I don't mind really, but when he does do this, he stops talking to me and it's like I'm talking to a f***ing wall. It annoys me to no end. Last night, I literally sat there on the phone with him for a while and he probably said one word for the entire time I was on the phone with him. For example: I asked him something, and I got no repy for about 45 seconds. I then said, "JOSH! Are you listening to me?" He said, "Sorry, I was just typing on MSN, what's up sweety?" Bah!

Any suggestions on what I can do to make him give me some bloody attention?
Reply 1
hang up when he ignores you- he'll get the message:p: :wink:
you either listen to me or go on msn, you cant do both.

if he says msn you shout WRONG ANSWER! and put down the phone. if he doesnt call you back quick time, hes got issues
Reply 3
hang up when he ignores you- he'll get the message:p: :wink:

I don't think he'd even realise that I've hung up the phone on him...
Reply 4
I don't think he'd even realise that I've hung up the phone on him...

Just say to him when he goes quiet ''Hang on sweetie, just speaking to DAVID on msn. He's really upset and i need to comfort him''
That should work!!
Gamecube, damn. What a wanka
Reply 6
Just say to him when he goes quiet ''Hang on sweetie, just speaking to DAVID on msn. He's really upset and i need to comfort him''
That should work!!

I've tried that already, he doesn't even realise what I'm doing....he just simply ignores me...
Reply 7


Ever heard "men cant multi-task?"

lmao... he CANNOT talk on MSN and listen to you at the same time...

hmm, as for suggestions, how often do you have sex?

My opinion is that once you get into a relationship with a person, you basically start to believe that you have "got them". It's human nature to disregard and lose importance for things once you "get them". It kills suspense. It kills anticipation. It kills challenge.

Now, I'm not saying that you should break up with him...

But what are men most attracted to? Sex...

Maybe you could try seducing him some time, and play him a little bit, and then give in and have sex? I dunno...

Oh, and give it a break, come on... I know you really want his attention, but as I mentioned before, this "WANT" and his "WONT GIVE" attitude is what keeps you attracted to dont fuss over it...
Reply 8
Im sorry- but the only other suggestion is to dump him- get rid of him. If my bfriend ever did that, well lets just say he wouldnt be my bfriend. If i did it to him i think he'd react the same way.
You've got to have some standards girl!- otherwise the relationship is gona be awful and your always gona feel second best!!
Dont mean to be harsh- honestly:redface: