The Student Room Group

tonsillitis :(

I've got tonsilitus at the moment. I felt unwell yesterday, and now this morning I have really really bad tonsillitis. I can't eat anything, and the things that really getting to me, is that for the last two nights I have not had ANY sleep. I just cannot sleep. there's this preasure on my throat and I can't sleep because of it. you know that, very very painful throat, feeling like your going to be sick and all the rest of it. I'm going to the docs 1st thing in the morning. so yeah, (been going on a bit here, sorry!) does anyone know any ways to get to sleep when you have tonsillitis? it's really getting to me now :frown:
Reply 1
Ah I feel for you. Only thing you can do is get dissolvable paracetamol and try to get a good nights sleep i suppose.
Reply 2
its hardly promoting healthy eating but before i had my tonsils out i used to eat ice cream, sooths the throat a bit and helps with the swelling. It also helps to make sure that you drink alot (though make sure you dont drink too much or you will be up in the night)
Reply 3
gurgle salt water- it helped wen i had tonsilitus:smile: Big hugs tho- i knows u must feel like sh*t right now but ull be ok in a couple of days xxx
Reply 4
its hardly promoting healthy eating but before i had my tonsils out i used to eat ice cream, sooths the throat a bit and helps with the swelling. It also helps to make sure that you drink alot (though make sure you dont drink too much or you will be up in the night)

yep ice cream is the way.

had my tonsils out when i was 4 and i ate lots of ice cream apparently :biggrin:
Reply 5
Ice cream is a really good idea.