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Goldsmith's Vs. Birkbeck Vs. UCL

I've finally been receiving my acceptances and rejections...
I am not from the UK so I have some questions about the aforementioned schools...
I don't know much about them but they (G & B) gave me awesome funding so I am taking them into consideration..
Which one is the better school, and which is considered more prestigious in the UK? Also where are they on account of location in London???
Birkbeck and Goldsmiths gave me almost full tuition while UCL gave me a little bit... is UCL that much of a better school?
Many thanks....

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Reply 1
Can't help you with location. But UCL is definitley better than the aformentioned, and one of the most respected in the uk, and the world!
Reply 2
I've finally been receiving my acceptances and rejections...
I am not from the UK so I have some questions about the aforementioned schools...
I don't know much about them but they (G & B) gave me awesome funding so I am taking them into consideration..
Which one is the better school, and which is considered more prestigious in the UK? Also where are they on account of location in London???
Birkbeck and Goldsmiths gave me almost full tuition while UCL gave me a little bit... is UCL that much of a better school?
Many thanks....

Which course? Art History (by the name of your nick)?
Reply 3
If you want to do art history, UCL is "the" place to go in the UK unless you can get an offer from the Coultauld Institute of Art (Uni of London).
Reply 4
Regardless of what you will study UCL is better than the other two. in terms of location Birbeck and UCL are right next to each other in the centre of london, whereas Goldsmith is in South East which happens to be one of the worst areas. So i would make my decision between UCL and Birbeck. if the tuition is not big of a deal go to UCL!!!
Take the funding and go to Birbeck.
For two reasons:
1) You can always reapply to UCL for your PhD (and hopefully get full funding with a UK Master's under your belt)
2) If you want to do a PhD or have an academic career you need to prove that you can secure funding for the University (grants and so on). The best way to prove this is by getting funding for yourself.

On another note. Birbeck has some joint courses with Courtauld, The AA and the Tate - so it's not as if you're taking an offer from some random second string University.
Reply 6
No doubt UCL is the best school among the three.
But Birkbeck is very good too.

I agree with passthesaltplease that you should consider going to Birkbeck with full tuition waiver, perform exceptionally well and then try to secure a PhD place with funding at UCL or wherever you intend to go.

Unless you are sure you will top the class in UCL (which I assume is more competitive given its better rankings), you might end up with average grades in UCL and risk your chances for a good PhD.

Just my 2 cents.

Unless you are sure you will top the class in UCL (which I assume is more competitive given its better rankings), you might end up with average grades in UCL and risk your chances for a good PhD.

And if you're worried about finance at UCL it is very likely that you won't perform as well.

I would always go where you're wanted. Someone at Birbeck has enough faith in you abilities to offer you funding. That's going translate into a good basis to get good marks. Whereas at UCL you're a bit on the back foot - an unknown.
Reply 8
Thanks everyone for the responses...
I guess I was just asking if the disparity between UCL and BIrk. was soooo big that is was worth rejecting the full ride...
I've read up on both and they are great schools... But by now I'm not fooled by just a great uni. name... the whole package matters including finances.
I still have many options, but thanks for making the cuts easier.
I got rejected from Oxford and Courtauld.... Oxford I wasn't that disappointed because it was a MRes and that's not a known degree in the states... Courtauld was a great loss, and I postponed my application to Cambridge so that I can work on my MA before I focus on a MPhil and eventual PhD
but I also got into 2 other programs that are excellent...
I guess we've all been through the highs and lows of applications before as undergraduates.
I have to say that the second time around is much easier because you take the good and the disappointments.
I know wherever we all end up... it will be a wonderful experience.
Good luck to the rest of you!!!
Reply 9
Sorry to hear that you got rejected by Courtauld. Go there for your PhD then. Its PhD graduates dominate art history departments in the UK.

Oxford's art history department is very small and not quite highly regarded by Oxford itself. That being said, though, you may still consider going to Oxford for PhD if you want to focus on Leonardo da Vinic since the head of art history Martin Kemp (a Courtauld PhD) is an internationally renowned Leonardo scholar. Cam's art history is just a bit biger than Oxford, but again not quite highly regarded by Cam itself. UCL's art history dept is larger and more prestigious than the previous two; besides, UCL, Courtauld, and Birkbeck co-organize some seminars and talks.
Reply 10
Great advice! Thanks!
That helps alot...
Really thank you... I feel better already!:smile:
ucl gave you a little because its a much better uni.
Reply 12
Yeah I figured that out, but I'm not as concerned with the name of the Uni as much as the whole package.

I already graduated from a great undergraduate program, so I'm not too worried about where I get my postgrad degree.

In the states, people don't know the difference from Birkbeck or UCL.. as long as they know they are both part of the Univ. of London.

The degree I'm getting does not guarantee a high paying job, so finances are quite important to me. in the states, it doesn't matter where you come from as much as what you do with it...
ucl gave you a little because its a much better uni.

It may be 'better' and maybe in art history too over Birbeck/Goldsmiths, but, it does offer fully funded packages to some people. It has a lot of funding to give and if they don't want to give it to you then go where someone does want to fully fund you.
Regardless of what you will study UCL is better than the other two. in terms of location Birbeck and UCL are right next to each other in the centre of london, whereas Goldsmith is in South East which happens to be one of the worst areas. So i would make my decision between UCL and Birbeck. if the tuition is not big of a deal go to UCL!!!

erm, i live right next to goldsmiths and the area is great.
please don't let this person's really judgemental attitude put you off south london - south london is amazing!
Reply 15
UCL has a better reputation than Goldsmith and Birkbeck. So go for UCL.
Reply 16
Don't care about reputation as much as whole package!!!!!

No one knows UCL in the states from Birkbeck...
I plan on living here in the states after, so it's all good!
Thanks though...
I thought we were all past going to a school based on reputation. I did that once with my undergrad, and realized that the real world does not care so much. As postgrads especially those who have been working, we are aware that experience and networking is more important that a school name. A name doesn't hurt but like I said its the individual as a whole:smile:
Reply 17

No one knows UCL in the states from Birkbeck...

Are u sure? Maybe the average random American wouldn't know. But surely more knowledgable people would be able to tell the difference.
Reply 18
Those in the field of Art History would certainly know the difference between UCL and Birkbeck, but I agree that it really comes down to the individual. Take me for instance-I'm coming from a small college in the US with no reputation to speak of yet I still managed to get an offer from UCL's MA program in the History of Art.
By the way, congratulations on all your acceptances ArtHistorian! And believe me I feel your pain-I'm struggling with making my decision as well. Did you apply to any schools in the states?
Reply 19
I totally agree with you on that one!!!
Congrats on your acceptance..
I didn't really apply to any other school in the states because I was sure I wanted to get a MA from the UK.
I will prob return here for my PhD or I might stay on inthe UK if I gett accepted.
My 1st choice was the Courtauld - but I didn't get in.
I also got rejected from Oxford and I stalled my app to Cambridge because I wanted to more research on my Mphil topic...
At the moment I am still torn between UCL and Birkbeck... although knowing the pound dolllar exchange rate... Birkbeck is looking very nice.
Oh and I got into the Sotheby's Institute of Art and Christie's Education Masters program as well in London...
So I am all over the place!!!!