The Student Room Group

Argh! How do you help your friend forget about the person they like......

One of my friends is CONSTANTLY talking about how he's in love with one of my friends...and he keeps telling her this and she keeps rejecting him. Anyway this has been going on for about a YEAR now and I'm seriously getting so fed up of hearing him say how he'll never love again and how he's so heartbroken etc. What can I do to get him to shut up about it?? I'm soo annoyed!! I really don't mean to be a bad friend either.
Get him interested in someone else? Trust me it serves a purpose, takes your mind completely off the original person. But if it's been going on for ages and she keeps flat out telling him it's never going to happen he may just enjoy the feeling of chasing someone...I know if someone I fancied told me no once I wouldn't keep chasing! (Actually I'd be mortified and probably move away lol).