The Student Room Group
Reply 1
OK, I opened this again because I was thinking about it (I closed it because my mum said that it was standard procedure just to make an appt for results) and the thing is:

My doctor's surgery has a dedicated 'results line' instead of their normal number and also the doctor told me to 'phone for my results' on Monday. So, I was thinking something must have shown up if they told me to make an appointment because they would have told me on the phone if it was normal. Right?

Thanks :smile:
Reply 2
Might be an abnormality but they haven't rushed you in so I wouldn't worry. They might just want to get you to do another test in 3 months and want to talk this over with you or something.
Our doctor says they will not talk about results over the phone unless its clear, so theres probably something up, but i doubt it serious, as other wise they would have called you straight in.
Reply 4
my friend got called in the same day when her resutls came back, so its probably only a minor abnormality.
Reply 5
i've been called in before when tests were clear, but the doctor still wanted to fingure out what was wrong with me and give me advice... remember you obviously had the tests done for a reason and they need to sort that out (whether it shows up on tests or not)

lou xxx
There's also the possibilty that they're normal but border line, as has happened with me sometimes. It just means that it's nothing to worry about, but somehting to keep an eye on.
talking of blood results; i went last week for a check up where they tested the blood for everything (well you know, the normal big check up) and because i have the stigma (i am a thalassemia carrier), my iron and ferritin is always low. 3 years ago my ferritin was 11.51 (should have been between 10 and 160) and now its 3!!!! my iron is super low as well; it was 120 (range is between 49-151) and now its 27!!! they told me to pick them up, but didnt mention anything (like if they were bad etc)
so i think for you, its normal procedure to call, make an appointment and discuss with the doctor/or whoever it is, about the results. that way you know whats going on with them too. dont worry, hope it turns out fine in the end x
Reply 8
so i think for you, its normal procedure to call, make an appointment and discuss with the doctor/or whoever it is, about the results. that way you know whats going on with them too. dont worry, hope it turns out fine in the end x

Why are you offering me advice? Don't you remember you negged me 2 mins ago :mad:

Reply 9
Ha^ soz, that made me laugh
Let us know how u get on- i'm sure there's nothing wrong- they might even want to congratulate u on havin nice blood or somefin:confused: lol:p: