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GUYS how bad is it when girls take off make-up

i was just wondering, how much of a let down is it for guys when they see a girl their getting with without make-up for the first time.

i think i probably speak for quite a few girls when i say we do feel sooo much more confident with make-up so taking it off is quite weird sometimes infront of the guy you like or are hoping to start a relationship with, incase of any gasps etc

do you guys kind of expect this know though?

have some guys ever run to the hills?

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Reply 1
In my experience girls often look better without make-up, so...
my bf says he likes me better without it neway :smile:
Reply 3
Depends on the girl and the amount of makeup she wears..
Reply 4
I honestly don't know if I've seen my girlfriend without make up.
That's not to say I think she wears it all the time; I've seen her in the mornings and what not. I guess it either means she doesn't wear very much, or she looks just fine without it as well as with it.

So, it doesn't bother me, but I guess it depends how much the girl wears usually as to how drastic the change will be without it.
My current gf wears little make up (eyeliner/shadow and lipstick) and not very often at that. She is quite beautiful enough without a crust of pancake on her face.

To be honest, most girls who do wear make-up a lot tend to just look a bit tired/ill when they take it off. I don't think that make up can turn you from a hideous troll to a supermodel.
Reply 6
girls look so much better without make up on!
Reply 7
did u know that make-up was originally meant only for prostitutes?
Reply 8
Yeah, it's almost as bad as when guys take off their boxers for the first time. That's usually such a let down. :rolleyes:

Who cares what they think? If they don't like it, their loss. And it's true, you probably look better with less slap.
did u know that make-up was originally meant only for prostitutes?

When and where? Make-up was used by noble women in most ancient civilizations.
Reply 10
When and where? Make-up was used by noble women in most ancient civilizations.

dunno thats what i heard, lol
Reply 11
Like people have already said, I prefer without makeup.
did u know that make-up was originally meant only for prostitutes?

trust you to come up with something like that lol

and since when?? i know prostitutes use to be known as "painted ladies" but very high ranking women have worn make up for hundreds of years.
Reply 13
It's not all that bad. For me, when a girl takes off her makeup either around me or in my presence i feel happy that she feels confident enough that she can be natural around me. IMO, girls shouldn't wear makeup but i just prefer people being natural as they really are. it's this that is attractive in my eyes, if someone can accept you for who you are instead of who you want to appear that you are, it means so much more.

Reply 14
it depends, if she is someone who wears alot.. then she mite look strange with out!, but generaly im not fussed! its the personality more than the amount of make up!
Reply 15
did u know that make-up was originally meant only for prostitutes?

Elizabeth I famously wore make up, particularly in her old age.
In my experience, girls with visible make-up look like something creepy from outer-space. It's alway amazing when they take the alien/witch/vampire mask off and become human. If they're good looking, why hide it? If they're normal or ugly, why make themselves repulsive? :confused:
Reply 17
Actually I don't know, I never stay with girls long enough for them to begin taking off their makeup.
Reply 18
I'm quite happy that I've managed to reach the age of 21 without becoming dependent on makeup to make me believe I look good. Therefore almost anyone who knows me sees me without makeup most days (except my vaseline lipbalm which I freely admit to being addicted to).

Sure, I use it to make myself look that bit nicer on special occasions, but on a normal day I won't bother. I'm in no way stunning or think that I don't need it, it's just I don't think it's important enough. If someone is attracted to me (rare occurrence) then I'll know they're attracted to me and not my painted face.
Reply 19
Girls are better off without make up IMO.