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Is AQA easier than OCR - Let's end the debate


I know that Universities are not allowed to discriminate applications based on which Exam boards they used for their A levels.

However, is it true that OCR A levels have more stretch and challenge, and therefore harder/ more stimulating, than AQA? Or is it the other way round.

Also, if someone was to get an A in AQA A level English, would they also get an A if they sat the OCR A level. Or vice versa?

Thankyou for your help :biggrin:
(edited 12 years ago)

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Well a person who just sat an exam, say in English but probably most other subjects (apart from maybe say maths) , for one of those boards wouldn't necessarily get a similar grade if they sat the exam for another board because different boards cover different topics..and obviously in English different texts are studied so you probably wouldn't be able to get by without having looked at the texts in detail...
Reply 2
It's all pick and mix to be honest. My school liked OCR Religious studies more than AQA and we all did well in it. Similarly my school proffered AQA sciences over OCR. But id say that OCR sciences are supposed to be harder. Not nearly as many people did well in OCR B Physics compared to AQA Biology and Chemistry in my school. But again the physics department at our school is not the best. So it depends really, OCR does have harder subjects but again i think AQA does too. :smile:
Reply 3
all I know is if you want to do A-level maths, EDEXCEL is the way to go
Reply 4
I found Ocr A-level Maths really difficult.
Reply 5
Original post by Optical
I found Ocr A-level Maths really difficult.

what was specifically difficult about OCR?

or would you say it was just ocr maths in general?
Reply 6
Does it really matter? There was no debate in the first place.
I think OCR has easier set out of questioning but higher grade boundaries probably due to the 'easier set out of questionning'
AQA usually has trickier questions and is more inconsistent between exams

But i think it depends on the subject.
I know edexcel and maths is good
AQA and biology
GCSE English is harder to push the A* boundary in OCR than AQA
How difficult is A Level Physics on OCR and on AQA?

Which exam board is more harder, difficult & An Nightmare?
I think OCR at GCSE.
Reply 11
Original post by Jack93o
all I know is if you want to do A-level maths, EDEXCEL is the way to go

haha is it easy?
Reply 12
Original post by XxKingSniprxX
How difficult is A Level Physics on OCR and on AQA?

Which exam board is more harder, difficult & An Nightmare?

This is a difficult one to answer, as most people tend to not sit both. People who sit their own will (often) invariably try to argue that their's is the hardest, to give an excuse, perhaps, but just because it's all they have experience of. I sat OCR B - Advancing Physics, and didn't find it overly challenging. AQA coursework, however, looked a nightmare in comparison to mine.
Reply 13
OCR Maths, OCR Chemistry and OCR Biology are very very difficult compared to other exam boards my college uses OCR for those subjects because of the difficulty(its hard haha). Especially this month we were warned that the exam board is making sure they mark exam papers harshly so emphasis has been put on really revising the content. As for Physics i do Edexcel and its pretty hard...
Reply 14
OCR Biology ain't a joke!!!
Reply 15
haha is it easy?

I think most maths students are with that exam board, theres enough material in their official textbook for you to prepare, and it seemed quite straight forward to me. But I haven't been with other exam boards for maths, so I can't compare.
Reply 16
Original post by Jack93o
I think most maths students are with that exam board, theres enough material in their official textbook for you to prepare, and it seemed quite straight forward to me. But I haven't been with other exam boards for maths, so I can't compare.

I do OCR maths and its challenging in some aspects, i would say the A2 is hard...the AS is mainly continuation from gcse just a little bit harder but its not that hard as long as you prepare well
Reply 17
My exam board was CCEA, so i'm clueless.
Let's end the debate by starting a debate? Couldn't resist.
Reply 19
I'm studying ed excel maths, OCR biology,physics and chemistry and WJEC English so quite a mix for me. :biggrin: