The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I'm not :biggrin: lol
Reply 2
ah, exams... you crazy Bsc students!
Ive been doing an average of four hours a day and it still seems desperately inadequate. My English Lit student friend did an
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I aim to do as much as possible. I've done about 10 hours today.
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My exams aren't until June. Should I be revising yet? :confused:
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I've been doing approx. 2/3 hrs a day so far (my first exam is on 15th May). Started to dawn upon me that I need to do a lot more than that if I want to pass! :eek:
My exams are @ the end of June. Will start revision tomorrow I think...I've passed most of my modules anyway so not gonna stress too much.
Reply 8
not much got a job for easter instead, prob not a good idea:smile:
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I'm a 2nd year, but not doing anywhere near enough to even get through all my lecture notes before the first exam! :eek:
Reply 10
How much time is everyone putting in/put in for their first year finals?

You have first year finals :eek:

Most people only have them in their final year...

I tend to do a week for in-course exams and last year (my first year) did a week for end of year exams... I had planned to do 3 weeks, but for one reason or another it didn't happen.

As both 1st and 2nd year material is examinable this year, I plan to do about 4 weeks for my end of year exam...
Reply 11
Have been doing a couple of hours a day, which is nowhere near enough seeing as I missed practically half of the lectures last term. I haven't even made 10% of the notes I need to yet, though I understand a lot of the work and do have a good memory so I'm not worrying too much.
I didn't do much for my final exams. There were only three of the and they weren't worth much of my whole degree. I was also pretty much guaranteed a 2:1 even if I got 0% in them.

I'm a bit annoyed about this now as I was so close to getting first. If I' have perhaps got just 5-10 marks more in each of the last three exams I'd have probably got the first.

So keep working people. You know how much you need to do. It will vary from person to person and exam to exam, but don't relax with the feeling that 'well I've got that classification in bag'. You might actually be able to go one better with just a bit more work.
Reply 13
ah, exams... you crazy Bsc students!

You're from the mighty Wight :eek:

Anyway, yeh I'm going to do lots. I get hysterical about exams so will not sleep unless I know ive done the very most revision I could possibly do :redface:
You have first year finals :eek:

Most people only have them in their final year...

I tend to do a week for in-course exams and last year (my first year) did a week for end of year exams... I had planned to do 3 weeks, but for one reason or another it didn't happen.

As both 1st and 2nd year material is examinable this year, I plan to do about 4 weeks for my end of year exam...

1 week :O iv already done 3 and nowhere near covered everything :frown: less than 2 weeks to go and theres noway im gona cover everything let alone learn it! mad
Reply 15
1 week :O iv already done 3 and nowhere near covered everything :frown: less than 2 weeks to go and theres noway im gona cover everything let alone learn it! mad

But I did at least a week for each of our in course exams, so my end of year revision was more mind refreshing, rather than being some kind of superbrain.
Reply 16
my exams tomorrow. and one later this week. wish i had started revising earlier now, or even done a little.... Spose i should stop being distracted - aargh this always happens when i should revise - even things like tydying up suddenly seem soooo much more appealing.....:smile:
Reply 17
my exams tomorrow. and one later this week. wish i had started revising earlier now, or even done a little.... Spose i should stop being distracted - aargh this always happens when i should revise - even things like tydying up suddenly seem soooo much more appealing.....:smile:

I know exactly what you mean. I've had my Public Law exam (which was just really nasty :eek: ) and I've got my Contract tomorrow! :frown: xxxx.
Had maths yesterday, probably did 5-6 hours a day for the week before, got another exam tomorrow so have a 24 hour session planned today as i have barely started it!

Because of the lecturer strike though, the maths paper turned out to be essay style answers on stuff we have not learnt.... I spent hours revising my one strong topic which has come up for the past 5 years, and it didnt come up...:frown:
I aim to do as much as possible. I've done about 10 hours today.

I dont understand how u could do 10 hours of revision a day and actually be able to concentrate and retain the information:confused:

I could do at max about 5 hours with a break every 1 1/2 hour if i pushed myself!

But then again im in yr 10 :rolleyes:

Lol ive kinda answered it myself-meh ive just finished a piece of history cwk