The Student Room Group

What's the real deal with Bristol?

So what's the real deal with Bristol uni? Some say its posh, others say it's sloaney, some say its good, some say it's bad and others say it's a wannabe oxbridge. Some guides reckon it's earned it's reputation, other's say it hasn't. The town? Some say it's lacking "something", others compare it to Manchester! The halls? Miles away...some say thats good, others say it's rubbish. Union? any good?

So confused.

Anyone actually in Bristol studying or anyone turn it down?

I have to choose between Sheffield and Bristol.....which one which one?

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Reply 1
So what's the real deal with Bristol uni? Some say its posh, others say it's sloaney, some say its good, some say it's bad and others say it's a wannabe oxbridge. Some guides reckon it's earned it's reputation, other's say it hasn't. The town? Some say it's lacking "something", others compare it to Manchester! The halls? Miles away...some say thats good, others say it's rubbish. Union? any good?

So confused.

Anyone actually in Bristol studying or anyone turn it down?

I have to choose between Sheffield and Bristol.....which one which one?

You probably know this already, but Bristol has an excellent reputation. That's just about all I know about it to be honest. I've never been to the uni, just went to Bristol a couple of times. The city, well, depends on your taste really. My advice would be to go there and have a look for yourself. Sorry, that's about all I can say.
bristol does have a great reputation but there was a really weird atmosphere at the open day, you will def have to check the place out first to see if you like it. the uni itself is up this bloody great hill and all of the departments appear to be in the middle of a residential area, very odd. that said the town is pretty big, theres good nightlife and the uni was quite pretty. *shrug*
Reply 3
Sloaney Is The Same Thing As Posh
Reply 4
bristol does have a great reputation but there was a really weird atmosphere at the open day, you will def have to check the place out first to see if you like it. the uni itself is up this bloody great hill and all of the departments appear to be in the middle of a residential area, very odd. that said the town is pretty big, theres good nightlife and the uni was quite pretty. *shrug*

it is a city not a town?
it is a city not a town?

yeah i guess so. it didnt seem that big though, i take london and birmingham as my definitions of city.
Reply 6
i HATED bristol when i went to visit it on an open day-luckily that was before i applied though! the town has loads of hills (u'll be walking uphill and downhill a lot) and some departments were really run down. the accommodation that they showed me was DISGUSTING but my friends sister goes there and she says i was probably shown the ugly accommodation cos' there's new rooms built which are gorgeous! the atmosphere was quite snobby and i didn't see a mixture of ethnic backgrounds, mainly just upper-class english people and some international chinese students. (being from london i like to be somewhere with loads of different ethnic minorities!) but all this was what i saw and its my opinion, u really have to make up ur own y going there cos' its one of those unis which u either love or hate (like marmite!)
Reply 7
i HATED bristol when i went to visit it on an open day-luckily that was before i applied though! the town has loads of hills (u'll be walking uphill and downhill a lot) and some departments were really run down. the accommodation that they showed me was DISGUSTING but my friends sister goes there and she says i was probably shown the ugly accommodation cos' there's new rooms built which are gorgeous! the atmosphere was quite snobby and i didn't see a mixture of ethnic backgrounds, mainly just upper-class english people and some international chinese students. (being from london i like to be somewhere with loads of different ethnic minorities!) but all this was what i saw and its my opinion, u really have to make up ur own y going there cos' its one of those unis which u either love or hate (like marmite!)

it is not a town its a city! :mad:
Reply 8
Cities are defined by whether they have a cathedral or not. If a place has a cathedral, it's a city. If not, it's a town.

Bristol has a cathedral, so it's a city, end of argument :cool:
Reply 9
Cities have cathederals, towns don't
Cities are defined by whether they have a cathedral or not. If a place has a cathedral, it's a city. If not, it's a town.

Bristol has a cathedral, so it's a city, end of argument :cool:

er thats rubbish..lichfield may have a cathedral but it is not a city. does birmingham have a cathedral?

cities are over a certain population size- 300,000 ish?
Reply 11
er thats rubbish..lichfield may have a cathedral but it is not a city. does birmingham have a cathedral?

cities are over a certain population size- 300,000 ish?

that is not the definition of cities, and bristol has a population of over 300,000
that is not the definition of cities, and bristol has a population of over 300,000

you are telling me that salisbury is a city? haha no

to be a city you have to fufill the population level, if (and i'm sure bristol does) it reaches it then its a city

numerous small towns in the uk have cathedrals but they still remain towns, i would refrain from calling winchester a city as well
Reply 13
I'm fairly sure if you have a cathedral you're a city. There are cities that don't have them, I think - was it Preston and Wolverhampton that were recently made cities? Possibly Newport and Inverness, altho I could be wrong there. I'm sure St David's in Wales claims to be Britains smallest city though - it has a tiny population, but a cathedral, therefore they call themselves a city.
Reply 14
The cathedral definition is outdated.

Remember there was a whole competition for which towns could become cities at the turn of the millennium?
Reply 15
Sloaney Is The Same Thing As Posh

not where i come from...posh is wanting perfection in everything...whereas sloaney is more sneering at others and wearing pashmina's with rugby hate, sorry! but i can why they may fall in the same catagory.
er thats rubbish..lichfield may have a cathedral but it is not a city. does birmingham have a cathedral?

cities are over a certain population size- 300,000 ish?

Actually, Lichfield is a city. Just a very small one.
Pure Comedy!! hey to be honest if you have that many contradictions of opinions dont bother coming!! just visit Bristol and see for yourself!!

my advice go with friends and pick up an ITCHY guide for Bristol!! thats the best way to see what the City has on offer regarding the Clubs, pubs, et cetra

i like in Bristol!! Yes their is RAR's yes there are rich kids!!! but to be honest theres Two uni's in Bristol!!! UWE and UoB and you will find both Uni students going to the same places!!! and having fun!!!

and there is alot of good places to go!!!
llama boy
The cathedral definition is outdated.

Remember there was a whole competition for which towns could become cities at the turn of the millennium?

I'd just like to second that, nowadays it is a charter (from the Queen, I think) which is necessary for somewhere to be a city. Loads of cities have a population of well under 300,000 -- my home city Oxford only has 130,000 and I wouldn't call it a particularly small one.
Reply 19

Department for Constitutional affairs website

UK Cities
Following the Golden Jubillee city status competition, there are now 66 cities in the UK - 50 in England, 5 in Wales, 6 in Scotland and 5 in Northern Ireland.

English Cities
Brighton & Hove
St Albans