The Student Room Group

What Effect Has The Pill Had On You?

I've read so much in this forum about the different effects that the pill has had on different people, I thought it would be a good idea to discuss them all here- good or bad.

For me, taking the pill has been a good experience. I may have gained a few pounds & got a tiny bit more moody :redface: but it has made my periods so much more lighter, my pains minimal & I can now predict almost to the hour when I will get my period. & obviously it acts as a more convienient contraception. I don't find it a problem taking the tablets everyday & it's a lot more hastle than I thought.

So- any thoughts & experiences at all welcome!!

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Reply 1
I've been on Microgynon 30 for almost a year now, and I can't say I've had any problems. My periods haven't really changed but they weren't heavy or painful before anyway - and they are more regular now. I put on some weight at the start, either due to water retention or me being a greedy pig, but I've lost that now, thanks to sensible eating and lots of rowing! I haven't noticed any change in moods, but I wasn't really a PMT type before anyway.

Some friends haven't been so lucky though.
Microgynon gave me acne, th pill is waaaay to unpredictable so can't really know how it will effect you
the first pill i went on begain with C....i gained about half a stone probably. my periods were never heavy anyway, i was on it purely cos i was in a relationship. when i came off that my periods were much lighter than they had been previously. i also lost a few pounds. i then went onto the injcetion for a year, my periods stopped completely and i again gained half a stone, even tho i was going to the gym 3 times a week. i came off the injection about 6 months ago and stopped going to the gym. i lost over half a stone :d which is all good, but my periods havent returned. I think it can take up to a year before they start again but i am getting a little worried....also i dont ever want to go back on the pill because of the weight gain. its one crazy thing, being a woman !
Good and bad. I now have a small period every month instead of a massive one sort of every six months, the pain is almost non-existant where as it used to be agony, so much so that some days i refused to leave my bed. On the downside my PMS has rocketed, where i used to have pain i now have tantrums. I know, PMS or not i could still throw a tantrum with the best of them, but I scream, i shout, i cry, i throw things. It's not always tantrums sometimes i'm just really mopey a miserable, but whatever it turns out to be it will always involve tears. My boyfriend can always tell when its coming and he's always there to give me a hug if i need one.
Reply 5
Well the periods were more regular like everyone else says.. and lighter too. But I gained quite a bit of weight quickly and had stretch marks which have gone now thank god. Also it kinda 'flattened out' my moods... I was just apathetical about everything, just neither extremely happy or sad or whatever. Experienced a loss of libido too which was rather crappy and frustrated my ex a great deal. Sigh.

The negatives outweighed the positives in the end so I finished it after nearly a year. Was so annoyed about lost time etc with the ex that I didn't bother going back to the doctor to see if a different type wouldn't have such lame side effects :<
I've been on microgynon for about a year now and at the start experienced a huge increase in appetite and general moodyness :smile: Mostly gone now though, also have a much higher sex drive than I did before
Reply 7
When i was on the pill i didnt have many issues either, it is good if you are in a long term relationship, but i tended to forget alot, and its just another one of them issues to discuss when your mum finds it in your room!
Reply 8
microgynon affected me in different ways

the positive side is it has regulated my period to the day which for me is such a comfort to know, i also no longer suffer from stomach cramps which used to make me so ill and i have a normal regular 4-5 day period when it used to be one day which was fustrating

on the negative side i have completly lost control of all emotions and its scary for me not to be in control of them. i find i can snap and be angry quickly but also i can stop crying for really stupid or not reasons. i have also put on over 1/2 a stone which im finding very difficult to shift
it's be absolutely fine for me - i gained a bit of weight, but mostly on my boobs (fine with me!), and although my periods are still painful they are much shorter. there is also the option to bypass them for a month, which is really good if you need to. my skin has been really clear, as well... i have been quite moody and snappy, though.
it hasnt affected me at all apart from its more difficult to loose weight and i really want to so thats annoying
ive been on marvelon (combined pill) for about 5 years...they put me on microgynon at first and it gave me spots so i switched to marvelon and had no trouble ever since. i think it made my boobs bigger, im not sure if it made me put on weight- i was about 8 stone when i went on it and now i'm 9 1/2...but then i was 16 then and 21 now...but that's probably a totally normal weight gain anyway!
i had a brief interlude with the implant, for about 9 months last year but i found that it gave me more spots, wierd pschyo mood swings, lack of libido and short term memory issues....also i stopped having periods which i didnt like.
so i went back onto marvelon- which i have always been happy with- my periods are light, painless and regular, i dont get mood swings at all and i think it helps my skin too. my only problems are that i have been know to forget it occasionally, it's annoying to have to remember it wherever you go to sleep over, and i dont like the fact that it can be affected by stomach upsets.
Reply 12
Using Dianette, it's making me really grumpy. I am stopping after this 3 month trial. It's made my period regular et al, but the first night is so horrifically heavy that it just isn't worth it any more.
Reply 13
I'm on mycrogynon. I really like being on the pill, my periods used to be very painful and heavy and now they're barely worth having. I've luckily not had any bad side effects such as spots or weight gain so its been great for me...also very convenient for contraeption esp for spur of the moment sex!
Reply 14
microgynon affected me in different ways

on the negative side i have completly lost control of all emotions and its scary for me not to be in control of them. i find i can snap and be angry quickly but also i can stop crying for really stupid or not reasons. i have also put on over 1/2 a stone which im finding very difficult to shift

Crikey...i get very emotional too and am on Microgynon, is this a sideeffect? I assumed it was just me being me?:confused:
Reply 15
I've been on Logynon for a year now.

Positive - My periods used to be painful and last ages but they are now much more normal, regular and are pretty much pain-free. My boobs have gone up about two cup sizes which is a bonus and my skin is spot-free!

Negatives - Gave me horrible mood swings at first but I now take Evening Primrose which has sorted them out. I've also gained about 1/2 a stone because of the increase in my appetite. Plus I've been sick quite alot recently and have had to take packets back-to-back which I don't really like doing.
Reply 16
I was on Microgynon but I got fed up because I put on about half a stone so I refused to take it any more (had a little diva fit :rolleyes:)

I'm now on Yasmin and I've not put any weight on and periods are so regular, light and painfree, it's great.
I have lost over a stone since I stopped taking marvelon about 8 weeks ago, never going back on it.. never ever..
Reply 18
Well the periods were more regular like everyone else says.. and lighter too. Also it kinda 'flattened out' my moods... I was just apathetical about everything, just neither extremely happy or sad or whatever. Experienced a loss of libido too which was rather crappy
I'm on Dianette and that's exactly what I get. Also my periods are really painful for the first days unlike before the pill. :frown:
Reply 19
Does anybody know much about Duphaston, my doctor has put me on this (well just got to get them soon) as I have PCOS and very irregular periods. I'm a bit scared of gaining weight etc!