I had a similar problem, but i was at uni my boyf was not. The only difference was although i loved my boyf we weren't getting anywhere with the relationship, he had no excsue not to come and visit me at uni, but he wouldn't, it was the last straw when i went home for reading week and said he would come over and it got to Sunday morning, his last oppurtunity to see me and he still didn't turn up, so my only option was to break up with him and the only way of doing it was to write him a letter. Some say this is cruel, breaking up with letter, but most see my point when i tell them that he had a whole week to come and see me and he didn't.
Thats just my experience, it didn't work out. maybe you'll be lucky and it will be different for you. Talk with your boyf, tell him how you feel and where you think your relationship is going through your arguments and time apart.