The Student Room Group


I feel not ready to meet my good mate,

he's norweigen and I am just not ready.

we been friends online for years, yeah yeah I hear ya 'he may be a paedofile' jada jada.

Believe me, I dunno. I just am not enlightened with myself to meet him. It's screwed.

he lives in norway. I want to meet him, I hate that I cant, im not ready for it.

Anyone else been in a similar situation?

I had to give him a fake phone number and mobile number to call when he lands in england, ffs i feel like an evil sod. He is only stopping in england for a bit, to exchange plans to spain.
Reply 1
If you don't want to meet him tell him so. Be honest for God sake. Think how you would feel to make plans to meet with somone, alow time for it etc and then on the day find out to be given fake contact number. You are not an evil sod not to meet him as you have all right not to be up to it but you are going to be an evil sod to set him up like that instead of exlaining yourself homestly.
I'm meeting a mate I met online last year, next week. Can't wait! :biggrin:
Reply 3
You're an idiot. That aside, surely after "years" of communicating with someone you have a fairly indepth knowledge of their intentions?!

And giving this person fake numbers is childish and cowardly. Calling it evil is giving you too much credit.

You're clearly confused. You say you don't want to meet then you say you desperately do?! Make up your mind damn it.

You know how when you meet with someone you met online, you always worry they might be a weirdo? Your friend is wondering the same, and so far, his worry is justified.

Get a grip. It's not like you're meeting to marry?
Reply 4
be honest... and giving fake numbers.. is, well ,slightly childish.. and if you've known him for so long, you should be able to be honest with him....
Reply 5
Muppet .....
Reply 6
He atleast deserves the truth, don't you think? If you don't want to meet him, tell him so! Put yourself in his position and realise what you are's unfair to string this person along.
Reply 7
imagine landing i norway and trying the number and being answered to by a starnger or an engaged tone.. it would hurt more and ruin your friendship.
Reply 8
Corleone to his godson: "You can act like a man [slap] what's the matter with you?".