The Student Room Group

Can anyone help with my paranoia?

I’ve never really liked to be on my own in the house but in the last 6 months it’s started to get really bad. I love being independent and spend time on my own when I’m outside. But at night I get really paranoid about being on my own and I’m terrified someone has or will break in and hurt me, it used to be just when it got dark that I was scared but recently it’s happened in the day as well. I get really paranoid I can hear someone in the house or that I haven’t shut doors properly and someone can break in. I know I’m being stupid because I know its very unlikely someone could break in but no matter how much I say that to myself, I still get frightened. It’s really starting to upset me as I hate feeling scared and I’m 18 now and shouldn’t be getting this paranoid. Also I’m moving out to go to uni soon and I can’t always make sure someone’s home with me. I think I really need to get this sorted because it’s really getting me down and I feel stupid.

Does anyone else have this problem or know anything that can help me please??

Ele x
Reply 1
I think its just your brain trying to trick you, because its a poweful thing. When it hears noises it recalls situations that the noise is linked with.. Like a girl screaming to a TV series where there was violence involved.

But anyway, it takes the noise that you hear, like wind the wind shutting a window, and makes you feel like you are in the situation that it is connected too. You just have to take control and make sure you see that its only mind games, and probably because you are bored.

If you got out, or even tried to do things that were mentally challenging, like reading or crosswords and puzzles, then you'd be too occupied to notice anything.

Its more than likely that you are thinking about moving to Uni subconsciously, and you are scared, like anyone would be. So you are attempting to convince yourself that you can not do it, when you can. Just try some of the suggestions, and take control of your mind, dont let it control you.

Amy, x
Reply 2
I have this problem. But then I do live in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Reply 3
I have this problem. But then I do live in Johannesburg, South Africa.

See your point one of my friends got stabbed there luckey not shot tbh.

Just keep busy do something you enjoy play music you like in the background so its not quiet and watch a funny film to take ur mind off it