The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Well, it was brand new only a few years ago. :smile:
Reply 2
Well, it was brand new only a few years ago. :smile:

How is this supposed to answer the guy's question in any way?!? :confused:

Reply 3
How is this supposed to answer the guy's question in any way?!? :confused:


If it's practically brand new it means it won't be shabby and run down. :smile:
Reply 4
If it's practically brand new it means it won't be shabby and run down. :smile:

True, but it says nothing of the actual "quality" of the place. :smile:
when i went to visit reading uni the club did look quite nice. it would be good to know if its very popular though. and is it a cheap place and what sorta music does it play?
Reply 6
when i went to visit reading uni the club did look quite nice. it would be good to know if its very popular though. and is it a cheap place and what sorta music does it play?

yeh i saw it on my visit and it looked pretty good, but is it the case that it looks good but has rubbish nights out there, as this happens at one of my friends student union bar
well its good for a cheap night out, the music isnt really to my taste but its near to the hall and its fairly cheap. its much nicer then other SUs (according to visitors me and my friends have had). especially in winter is good because you dont have to take a coat, just run from the hall to 360! (it helps if you are in a hall on campus for first years!) wed and sat nights are the main nights. wed is more cheesy and sat is more dance stuff. hope that helps.
Reply 8
its ok, pretty darn cheap at times and mojos and mondial are connected to it and open most nights, mojo's is the best of the 2 bars with live music and pool tables, just a more relaxed atmosphere and less expensive than mondial on a club night.

busy nights at 3sixty are weds and sat (if i recall correctly) u can buy advance tickets to insure u get in or just queue like mere mortals.

queue at the bars suck, all these manly blokes buying ladies drinks, piss me right off
music isn't my taste, but with friends it can be quite fun
Reply 9
When I was at Reading (just a year ago....ah the memories!) the union (360/modjos bar/mondial bar are all open weds and Saturdays) was great because you met so many people in it you knew- that’s the main thing- meeting people and having a laff.

360 is on the campus so you see loads of mates from other Halls, people off your course and random people who you may only have met once before etc during the night. You always bump into someone you haven’t seen for a while- which is cool.

I think the club has an official capacity of something like 3000 but someone told me they limit tickets to 2800 just to make the crowds easier to manage. 360 always sells out with pre-purchase tickets at the end of every term and in freshers term you gotta get there before 10 to be sure you get in.

Usually the union is packed for the first term and then the freshers go exploring more often in town during the Spring term- but 360 remains a good night out.

After you have spent three years in Reading you will miss 360 and those fun times!
Reply 10
It's pretty good as a club, nice and cheap (relatively), just be prepared for the queues though when it's busy. Piss poor acoustics too, for gigs anyway.