The Student Room Group


im anonymous just in case he sees this! lol

anyway i've been goin out with a guy for a month. i really like him and everything - he's like unbelievably nice, genuine, caring etc. i used to be so into him, like when we first started goin out i used to think of him all the time... but now i'm happy when i don't see him! it's getting pretty serious now and i feel trapped because i don't wanna hurt his feelings. i know i have to just buckle up and do it, but i'm such a wimp!! can i do it in a text or on msn?! lol or is that too cold! if i did it face to face his reaction would kill me! and on the phone... maybe grrr i just dont know!! should i keep it going for a few weeks to see what happens or do something about it now?! it's stressing me out so much!!!! anyone know any good ways to dump people without hurting them too much? (as you've probably guessed, i've never done it before!!) thx
Reply 1
Don't do it by text or phone. That's just ****.
Reply 2
If you're sure, do it as soon as possible as it is unfair on him if you stay with him, but don't want to be with him. However, I have had this time in my relationship where I don't really want to see my boyfriend at all and just want time by myself, but now I'm glad that I am with him because it's just that small amount of time away from him that makes me realise that I love him and I couldn't think of being with any other person.

If you decide to break up with him, do it to his face and I'm sure even if he gets angry you know that at least he knows earlier rather than later. If he really loves you, he will respect whatever decision you make.
Reply 3
talk to him. If you care about him enough to be worried about seeing his reaction then you might wanna rethink it, but it's early days of the relationship and if you're nice about it you might stay mates or something, depending on how he takes it.

You'll always be the bitch if you dump him (that's life and it sucks - harsh as it may seem I'm trying to be honest :eek:), but if you don't do it to his face you'll be the bigger bitch.
Reply 4
Don't dump him by text, phone or anything like that, face to face is the only way. It shows that you respect him, and he'll respect you a hell of a lot more.
Reply 5
don't do it by text. I know it seems like the easiest way out (i wanted to do it like that on some occasions) but i think he'll respect you alot more if you tell him to his face. I'd just sit him down and tell him how you feel, that you don't feel for him the way you used to but you'd still like to be friends (presumbing you do that is?). Trust me, as hard as it is, it'll be alot better to his face than over text.
I read the title of this thread and assumed it was another thread about poo. What is wrong with me? *slaps self* :dong:
Reply 7
Pink Sparkles
I read the title of this thread and assumed it was another thread about poo. What is wrong with me? *slaps self* :dong:

Don't worry, so did I.:laugh:
Reply 8
Try and do it face to face if you can, no one likes it over text/msn/phone. I know i didnt when my last bf dumped me over msn, i mean i can respect you would be nervous but it isnt nice. If you are not enjoying the relationship then you have to end it, its unfair on you both, you for having to suffer and him for having to suffer being ignored i suppose. As your relationship isnt working perhaps a break would be a good idea but please do it face to face, far more respectable, he will appreciate it, and quite honestly it isnt as harsh.

Good luck, im sure you can do it :hugs: Whatever you choose make sure its the right desicion.
Don't worry, so did I.:laugh:

:rofl: go us!
Reply 10
You wanna break up with me? :'(

erm..anyway <.< I agree with the don't do it by MSN or txt team. That's just pants! (haha dumping and pants in the same thread...*rolls back to his hole in the ground*)
Pink Sparkles
I read the title of this thread and assumed it was another thread about poo. What is wrong with me? *slaps self* :dong:

I thought so too. Great minds think alike :p:
Reply 12
I don't see what the big deal is, I'd rather be dumped by text or MSN. It would be far less embarrassing. Admittedly, I have no past experience in this area.
Reply 13
I thought this was going to be about poo.

*is sorely disappointed*
Reply 14
Do you really want to be friends with him afterwards? You said you didnt like contact. If he's easily cut out of your life just do it by Msn. Texts arent really long enough to say much more than @ur dumped@ heh. Otherwise just be honest with him - go to his house and tell him you dont feel the same anymore.
It feels horrible but its better done than not.