Internal reputation (rated out of 10)+ Prestige (A-E)
Judged by 5 Cambridge Students from Trinity, Caius, Clare and Magdalene:
Christ's College 8B only parts of college nice
Churchill College 4.5C famous for sciences.... ugly buildings
Clare College 8B (small but pretty)
Clare Hall 1E (where is this college?)
Corpus Christi College 7B (nice.. but ..)
Darwin College 2E (...)
Downing College 7B (quite nice grounds)
Emmanuel College 10B (Academic top)
Fitzwilliam College 1E (far, ugly buildings too....)
Girton College 2D (far, nice buildings tho)
Gonville and Caius College 6.5C (some parts r v.pretty..but some other..)
Homerton College 5B/C (or 10A in education -got nobel prize winner) interesting one.. impression - new, but actually it's been around 4 200 yrs got gothic buildings + towers.
Hughes Hall 1E (not too sure, sorry if harsh)
Jesus College 7.5C (fun college)
King's College 9A (magnificent chapel, but broke)
Lucy Cavendish 1E (not sure)
Magdalene College 7.5B (small, but cute. not grand tho, unlike the oxford magdalene. sorry dan!)
New Hall 1E (womens only..the least popular cam college)
Newnham College 4B (Famous female alumni)
Pembroke College 8A (nice grounds, quite isolated tho..)
Peterhouse 2B (prestige solely because it's the oldest college, otherwise not so good)
Queens' College 8B/A (mathematical bridge, but ugly new buildings)
Robinson College 3D (new, red brick, like a polytechnic)
St Catharine's College 6B/C (cute, sweet college)
St Edmund's College 2E (don't know)
St John's College 8.5A (nice, but always compared to trinity as inferior)
Selwyn College 5C (alright, nothing special)
Sidney Sussex College 7B/C (7 coz opposite sainsbury's)
Trinity College 9A (everyone knows trinity.academic, grand +
Trinity Hall 6.5B (ppl always think this is a copy of trinity, but it's not)
Wolfson College 1E (mature, invisible)
Any comments? sorry if we've been harsh to any colleges...
-ed, dan, rick, jack & liz