The Student Room Group
Reply 1
how is this health and relationships? and white.
Reply 2
Why was this posted as anonymous and why was it in H&R?
I prefer completely white trainers.

definitely black trainers out of the two, if I was going to wear trainers at all, which is very unlikely, I only own one pair, and they're pink, green and orange =p x
Reply 5
definitely white
Reply 6
white! though i dont have any trainers, so i'm not one to buy them nyway...unless they were bright & shiny/sparkly/metallic/glittery..get the point...ok, maybe you shouldnt consider my opinion...
It depends on what im wearingm but generally all white.
Black! They look so much better than the gleaming white ones
Reply 9
Wouldn't it depend on what you were wearing them with?

I think I prefer black trainers. White trainers are so bright when they're brand new and I don't like that... but then I hate getting them muddy, too. :p:
white looks good. especially when the sun hits em they BLING !
Reply 11
I prefere white trainers- especially my adidas goodyear ones!
Reply 12
Has to be white everytime, the whiter the better, I love my adidas trainers, get the stan smith's or the new adidas color changers, really nice.

Black's boring and morbid.
Reply 13
Black trainers don't go on everything the way white trainers do. Don't get plain, clean white ones. They should have some colour on them and should look worn. I hate white trainers that look brand new!
Reply 14
Black trainers don't go on everything the way white trainers do. Don't get plain, clean white ones. They should have some colour on them and should look worn. I hate white trainers that look brand new!

What's up with ya? Brand new white trainers are the best.
Reply 15
Black trainers can be dressed up or dressed down - white trainers CANNOT!
Reply 16
soz bout the anon earlier. Anyways ive got bored withe the stan smith styles. Ive just seen some cool nike's on footlocker Called Nike chikaras.
Reply 17
brown shoes
Reply 18
got a nice pair of white (well were when i brought them ive worn them now so they look good ! but not muddy, cos muddy is dirty!) brought them about a year or so ago and I still love them, not going to like the day when i need to replace them. They are made by adidas but cant remember the exact model name. Something related to karate. But now you see them in similar styles all over the place by brands like lonsdale, Yawn!