The Student Room Group

relationship with my dad

Me and my dad have never been close. In the last few days, he has started to call me names, screaming at everything I do or say and he has raised his hand at me (he has not physically hit me now for about 10 years) its become so unbearable that I no longer stay in the same room as him. I am getting worried, that with his aggressive behaviour that if I continue to stay within the house, he may hurt me physically.

What should I do?
Reply 1
is this usually when he's under the influence of substances, eg after he's been drinking? is there any other adult around/lives with you that knows about this or who's close enough to confide in & be around incase anything like that happens again? you say he hasnt hit you for about 10 he has a history of really need to tell someone, your mum perhaps?? now before you get hurt physically, how old are you now by the way?
Reply 2
Me and my dad have never been close. In the last few days, he has started to call me names, screaming at everything I do or say and he has raised his hand at me (he has not physically hit me now for about 10 years) its become so unbearable that I no longer stay in the same room as him. I am getting worried, that with his aggressive behaviour that if I continue to stay within the house, he may hurt me physically.

What should I do?

you're just in EXACTLY the same position as me... i can feel ya...
Me and my dad have never been close. In the last few days, he has started to call me names, screaming at everything I do or say and he has raised his hand at me (he has not physically hit me now for about 10 years) its become so unbearable that I no longer stay in the same room as him. I am getting worried, that with his aggressive behaviour that if I continue to stay within the house, he may hurt me physically.

What should I do?

Sometimes dads are quite aggressive when they had a bad day at work. but yours sounds serious. What's your gender? Age? Again, who els are u living with?
I have the same problem; my dad used to hit me a lot. He stopped a few years ago and now he tends to try psychological abuse instead. Are you going to uni soon? I ask because when I moved out of my parents' house for a year my relationship with him improved to the point where we could actually have a conversation (although since I moved back, saving for uni, it's gone downhill again quickly and I tend to just avoid him altogether).