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confused and duno what to do

This is a long story!!

Basically I have got a male best friend who I have known for 8 years He has had a few girlfriends since Ive known him vica versa, he has always made it clear to me that he likes me in that way but we always agreed not to go there cuz we are best mates. He now has a one year old baby girl with his gf they are always splitting up as she is imature for him and she makes him an emotional mess he says he always thinks about me all the time whenver his been with girlfriends

Im with a lad Ive been with for 3years we are engaged I do love im but I aint in love with him we have just moved into our own rented place this wekk my feelings for him have changed Ive told my bf but he says we wil see how it goes I don't wana hurt him his been y rock but I don't even like him in that way anymore as in a lover anyway me and my best mate been seeing each other on the sly and we slept together its made us even closer now but im stuck in a rut I really feel for my bf but im mad about my best mate but just don't know what to do its complicated

please help
Wow. Punctuation would make the story a lot less complicated. wait, he has a girlfriend and a kid, you have a boyfriend and are getting married...and you guys slept together? And you love each other and want to be together?
Reply 2
I think that you owe it to both yourself and your bf to end that relationship. You should not get engaged to someone unless you are really, truly, madly, deeply IN love them. If there is someone else who you are more interested in, the you should be with them. Simple as. End of.

You don’t want to wake up in 20 years time and fine you’ve spent your life with someone who you don’t truly love and when you think that there is someone else out there who is better for you.

Besides, how good is your relationship with your bf if you’re cheating on him with your best friend. End your current relationship now before things get really complicated, and start a new one with your best friend. It may very well be the best change you ever make!

Good luck!
Reply 3
Some of the things you people dream up are so ****ing complicated, even beginning to offer advice just makes my head heart. Basically, make up your own ****ing mind and do what you think is right, you're in the best position to make the best decision.
Reply 4
narb is making sense here.

anyroad, read through what you read, pretend some other prson wrote it, write down your asnwer. then read it and do it. job sorted.

(in case you didnt know, the asnwer is tell the bf, and not going out with someone because you are best mates is a stupid reason)
Reply 5
i agree. sleeping with someoe else is no way to START a marriage
Reply 6
i agree. sleeping with someoe else is no way to START a marriage

this ^ i agree with the "tell your bf" notion.
I think that you owe it to both yourself and your bf to end that relationship. You should not get engaged to someone unless you are really, truly, madly, deeply IN love them. If there is someone else who you are more interested in, the you should be with them. Simple as. End of.

You don’t want to wake up in 20 years time and fine you’ve spent your life with someone who you don’t truly love and when you think that there is someone else out there who is better for you.

Besides, how good is your relationship with your bf if you’re cheating on him with your best friend. End your current relationship now before things get really complicated, and start a new one with your best friend. It may very well be the best change you ever make!

Good luck!
