The Student Room Group

Changed ma mind.. Help?

I told this guy that I liked him last week, and he told me he feels the same way so we've started to go out. I think he really likes me but I've realised that I don't feel much for him.. like when I'm with him I don't feel much excitement or anything. It's become borin' and we've already had our first argument even tho it wasn't that big a deal.

I think I want to break up with him.. but it's only been a week! I know that the guy would be heart broken.. what should I do?? Please help any ideas??:confused:
Reply 1
I told this guy that I liked him last week, and he told me he feels the same way so we've started to go out. I think he really likes me but I've realised that I don't feel much for him.. like when I'm with him I don't feel much excitement or anything. It's become borin' and we've already had our first argument even tho it wasn't that big a deal.

I think I want to break up with him.. but it's only been a week! I know that the guy would be heart broken.. what should I do?? Please help any ideas??:confused:

surely he'll be less heartbroken now than if you leave it longer and he finds out you were pretending? and chances are if you're bored, he is too.

lou xxx
Reply 2
Just do it...I've been through a similar situation and it sucks pretending you are interested because you realize you are just leading him. My problem is I like them a lot before a relationship but once we are in the relationship I seem to lose that attraction :confused:
If you're sure you don't like him and think the relationship isn't going anywhere, then you should either 1) break up with him, telling him straight out that you don't think it's gonna work or 2) talk to him about it, tell him you're having doubts and stuff, and see how it goes.
Reply 4
Just do it...I've been through a similar situation and it sucks pretending you are interested because you realize you are just leading him. My problem is I like them a lot before a relationship but once we are in the relationship I seem to lose that attraction :confused:

Exactly the same problem with me.Everytime. I just like doin' the whole flirtin thing before going out and after I get the guy interested in me then I get bored. :confused: I know it's really bad but I can't help it!!