The Student Room Group

Summer Medical Work Experience In Hong Kong

To Hong Kong students..

Anyone know anywhere you can get such work experience for someone who speaks mediocre Cantonese and is absolutely illiterate(in Chinese, I mean-and my English isn't much better, but still.)? I've had a look at websites, etc but they seem to require fluent Cantonese and an interview...

Since my dad's a doctor in TKO and he can't read a word of Chinese, it must be possible..But he can't get me any shadowings/attachments(probably because he's not that popular with everyone, I suppose..)
I'm from HK.
It's quite difficult to get work experience unless you have some contacts. It's uncommon to shadow doctors in hospitals, its not like some parts in UK. (It's not too much of a language issue probably). Seriously. I shadowed two GPs - one was my mother, the other was my mom's good friend. I was offered by a cardiologist last summer (my mom's friend) in QEH to shadow him for 5 days, but at last he said no because he checked with the hospital and it's not okay. I'm not discouraging you, you should still try.

My classmate did more than I did in HK- she was able to do some biotechnology stuff like polymerase chain reaction and electrophoresis in some labs. Also she stayed in Queen ELizabeth hospital officially for a week doing various things, including listening to lectures and stuff. She is very lucky. She got all of them because of her contacts.

So, maybe to start off with, ask some GPs that your family is more familiar with and ask them whether u can shadow them for a few days? WHy dont you try finding something in UK?
Anyhow, you should still do plenty of community service both health care and non health care, if you have not already done so.
Hmmn.. I don't like the idea of shadowing my dad too much..

I really envy your classmate. Some people have all the luck. :smile:

I do stuff in the UK, I just want to see how things are done in HK. I'll try to find community service and stuff and ask any GPs(namely 1 I can think of -my aunt).

Thanks for the advice, anyway.

Btw, are you studying in the UK or in HK? Just wondering.
Hmmn.. I don't like the idea of shadowing my dad too much..

I really envy your classmate. Some people have all the luck. :smile:

I do stuff in the UK, I just want to see how things are done in HK. I'll try to find community service and stuff and ask any GPs(namely 1 I can think of -my aunt).

Thanks for the advice, anyway.

Btw, are you studying in the UK or in HK? Just wondering.

i'm studying form 7 now in HK. I'm going to Edinburgh next year for medicine. Hurray! good luck with work experiences!
Reply 4
Are you like me? A BBC? You know what i mean :P
Are you like me? A BBC? You know what i mean :P

I will also be going to HK in the summer. Is there any work experience schemes which we could take part in?
Reply 7
wow i have had the same problem (i also live in hong kong). None of the doctors will allow u to shadow! SO now i am gunan shadow a doctor in england for a couple of days. hope thats enough! Have u guys done any "long-term' volunteer work? Cuz i havent and now i am seriously regretting not trying harder to do some.. i called one elderly home and they said due to hong kong being on yellow alert all volunteers have to be aged 18+. So now i havent done any volunteer type work.. what dyall think?
Does St John Ambulance count(that's in the UK)?

Otherwise, no..There's always a problem-age, language, education, name it. They really shouldn't be that picky! :-)
Reply 9
It is just ridiculously tough, im feeling left out a bit here i seem to be the only non globe trotting would be medic.