The Student Room Group
Reply 1
There isn't more of it, it's just thicker and you will have a harder job swallowing it - so it seems like more. Try taking some water with you and sipping it. It will get better as you get fitter.
I found the same thing too, especially when I run. It's gross! Like gemma said, take some water with you because it helps a lot to take a sip every minute or so.
i neber knew about that saliva becoming less thicker with exercise thing....hmm you learn something new everyday !
save it up and when you run past someone that you dont like the look of, spit in their face.
Reply 5
Thanks for the responses!
ha ha! Once, I forgot to take water with me so I'm afraid it was the saliva that kept me hydrated :biggrin:
Reply 7
Thicker saliva? Thats really strange...