The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Drowned World
What's Manchester Met like for art and design? I know Nottingham Trent is famous for its design faculty, and Manchester Met is good for a lot of other subjects, but what's the art here like (honestly)? Does the department have a good reputation? Is anyone on one of the design courses, and are they hard to get onto?? I have applied for fashion design, but have yet to visit.

yes they r GREAT!! if i choose london top three fashion, they will be CSM, kingston and LCF. but if u ask me to pick north england U, they will be nottingham trend, man met and northumbria. they are all well regard in fashion and design world.
as far as i know fashion course in man met is very competitive too .

may be the below figure (art and design) from TQI 2005 will help u a bit:

UaL 340 A level tarriff( median) 3.5(student survey)
kingston 330 3.6
notting t 310 3.7
man met 310 3.8
northumbria 360 3.8:biggrin:
Reply 2
Thanks kk8890! I had this kinda preconceived idea about Manchester Met, I didn't know it was so highly regarded for fashion. Thanks for putting my mind at rest lol
the art and design library at man met is tremendous. i love it. should really be in there more often.

i've heard its very good for fashion and art, i did art foundation there and a lot of people wanted to stay on for the art courses at mmu. facilities and tutors for foundation were excellent, and seems to carry through to the other depts.
(i'm doing architecture btw!)

i know a few people doing fashion, and photography, they all seem happy!
Reply 4
I visited MMU today, it looked good I think this is where I'll be going if I get a place! Just out of curiosity, are there many international students on the art/fashion courses? All the London ones seem to be full of people from around the world making it really international, but the people I saw on the course today were all Mancunians!
Reply 5
Drowned World
I visited MMU today, it looked good I think this is where I'll be going if I get a place! Just out of curiosity, are there many international students on the art/fashion courses? All the London ones seem to be full of people from around the world making it really international, but the people I saw on the course today were all Mancunians!

it is good to hear u love it, do u shop around the city after the interview or swim in the new commonweath standard pool just across the road!!!

and the r actually quite popular for international student, but of course not as much as london. why u see lot of student on ur interview day is the day may just cater for local. they do have other day or other way to recuit overseas student. eventaully there will have lot of them from europe and far east sitting in ur class if u like the man met offer. quite a good mixed .:biggrin:
Reply 6
We saw a lot of students on the current fashion courses and they were all from middle/north England! I think I saw about 3 international students in total lol.

kk8899, do you attend MMU yourself or live in Manchester? You know alot about the place, thanks for all your advice :yy:
Reply 7
i study there, and love it so much!!!:biggrin: and u should use more the library if u study there.
Reply 8
What is MMU like for Art and Design overall, not just fashion? I'm thinking of applying there for '07, or '08 if I do a foundation year. How common is it for people to get in without the foundation year?
Reply 9
What is MMU like for Art and Design overall, not just fashion? I'm thinking of applying there for '07, or '08 if I do a foundation year. How common is it for people to get in without the foundation year?


mmu art and design is a very strong team in uk( including, fashion, product , interior , illustration and architecture...), and their foundation is not very easy to get into. their BA may take half population from A level and the other half is foundation student.see the tqi web site u may have a better statistic info.