Yeh, mates are completely different when they get g/fs, only call you when their "other halfs" are on hoilday, and worst thing is, when they've had a massive row, and call you to go out, then dump you to run back to them. That totally sucks!
Personally, i wouldn't give any of my mates money, only really close mates ive known for years, and i know i can trust, because once you give a not so good mate money, he knows your a walk over, and will always ask you for money, or if in a pub, ask you to buy the "round" and he/she will get the next one.. and they don't.
I know this soudns childish, but i used to do it all the time, the mates that hardly ever phone you, text you, do the same back, or if they do text you, and you know they are after something, ignore them.. not nice but if they do it to you, why can't you do it to them?!
ill stop going on before i end up writing a bible.....
And your welcome