The Student Room Group
Yes just like if you press your tongue against the back of your teeth often then your teeth grow outwards.
Reply 2
I guess so yeah. Cant see it happening unless you do it for a living though.
i don't know the ins and outs but reckon you'd have to do it A LOT before there was even a slight change
Reply 4
I doubt it would really make any difference at all unless you spend your life doing it. If you're worried you can always use your fingers :wink:
Only if you were doing it 24/7...(I'm guessing btw...wouldn't have a clue!)
Reply 7
I doubt it would really make any difference at all unless you spend your life doing it. If you're worried you can always use your fingers :wink:

Thats the problem, the things too stiff to open with fingers.

Guess I'll just get a new water bottle :tsr2:
Reply 8
Thats the problem, the things too stiff to open with fingers.

Try Highland Spring... perfect for anyones water bottle opening needs :wink:
Just imagine how the guy in the factory that makes them feels - he would have to test them all the time to make sure they work... :biggrin:
Reply 10
No your teeth wouldn't grow outwards.
Having spent gross amounts of money getting my teeth beautifully straight and hollywood-esque - anything involving my mouth and teeth (ie possibly unstraightening them, not normal stuff :rolleyes: ) worries me.

I don't think it does, but I try the bottle before I buy! One of my friends opens bottle tops with her teeth, personally, I find that revolting!!
Reply 12
heh, I know what you mean, my teeth are perfect( :rolleyes:) and I don't want them growing out of my face.
If you upset the bouncer at your local nightclub then I heard that can actually make your teeth go inwards (as well as make your lip bleed).

Hope that helps.
More importantly, anyone notice that you can't reuse these bottles more than a couple of times coz the cap gets ****ed up! so much for recycling...(nah, i'm just cheap! lol)
Reply 15
More importantly, anyone notice that you can't reuse these bottles more than a couple of times coz the cap gets ****ed up! so much for recycling...(nah, i'm just cheap! lol)

I use them loads of times with no probs :confused:
Reply 16
Well they say kids who have dummies for longer than 2 years tend to need braces because their teeth go inwards or something, I doubt it could happen with a water bottle though.
Reply 17
heh, I know what you mean, my teeth are perfect( :rolleyes:) and I don't want them growing out of my face.

You never smile anyway
Reply 18
Like others have said, you'd need to be doing it for prolonged periods. And I don't just mean opening a few bottles per day with your teeth, I'm talking about doing it almost permanently.

Many people who suck their thumbs end up with teeth protuding slightly, but you have to remember that people generally suck their thumbs for long periods of time in a row, whereas the action of opening a bottle is not ongoing.

It depends obviously on the nature of your teeth and gums- some people have teeth which are more likely to be affected by force beign applied on them- like when you just have your brace taken off, your teeth are very easily influenced by the slightest of forces, hence your having to wear a retainer to keep them in the right position.
yeh i sucked my thumb for years....i needed braces for 2 years!