The Student Room Group
I'd phone your opticians first to find out. I get mine from Dolland&Aitchinsons and they seem ok. I don't think there is any "best", they're all pretty standard I think.
Reply 2
I use D&A too, and have just gone onto "Acuvue Advance with Hydraclear" lenses - they're a two-weekly lens and not too expensive, and you can leave them in for a good 12 hours at least. I think it's £20 a month, that's £10 a pair including case and solution, from D&A.

Before that I was on D&A's standard Mid Water lens.

I do suggest you ring them up and ask. Mine's 8.6 I think but the safe thing to do is ask.
Reply 3
Those things should be on your prescription!!!
You need to find them out, you can't just pick any old ones or they probably won't fit properly.
I don't think there are any contacts which are 'better', they probably all have to go through some sort of quality control so they are all pretty standard. I guess it comes down to where you can get the best care for the cheapest price! I always went to Boots, and they were very good.
yeah, check your prescription and if its not there then check with your opticians but don't just order it coz it's highly uncomfortable even a few mm out! so don't order if unsure!
Reply 5
If you've got the plastic thing the lenses come in (not the overnight case for monthlies, the one you receive them in) then it should be on there.

But what contact lens site are you using? The one I use just has all of the different types (ie Acuvue) and you pick out of those which ones you want.