Now everyone knows that the men are supposed to do all the chasing, but is it wrong if a woman does?
Basically Im kinda seeing someone and most of the time im the one that has to phone him to arrange when i come round, ( he has no cred so its difficult!!) Ive said to him i dont really like having to phone bcause it makes me look obsessive- he claims it doesnt. Now i said to him this week that unless he gets in touch with me im not going to phone him. Now he probably wont call ( I will be impressed if he does though), but i was just wondering should i leave it and wait and if he doesnt get in touch let it go, or shall i phone him!? And if so how long should i wait.
Its not like i get the feeling that hes off with me, because when i phone he normally suggests time and date etc then i see whether i can or not, and he does text me now and again off his mates phone but basically what should i do?? He isnt funny in person neither so i think he likes me. Lol sorry if this sounds childish but its a common problem for women!