The Student Room Group
Its Amnesty International.
I think its a great club, but they charge too much for drinks.
Reply 3
I think they're a good organisation.
I was watching a video with the class I'm working with about them, and I liked the way they campaign by rounding people to write letters to countries who imprison people unfairly.

They also had a list of countries which practise torture, which is an eye opener (but it was a very old video..).

I hope you get your placement, they're a great cause and I feel that what they campaign for is very worthwhile!
I was a member of AI for a long while, and sent off quite a lot of letters, but i got annoyed by the way the charity is going. It appears to be turning into 'human-rights lite', commenting on how terrible things are but doing little investigation of its own, and just trusting the fact that it is AI to get it some news coverage. I also became annoyed by this new 'womens rights' campaign; i have nothing against campaigning against domestic violence, sexual discrimination, etc, but at the end of the day i didn't join AI to blow a feminist horn (which is what this new campaign has turned into). One in ten men will suffer domestic violence too; but this is shrugged off as being 'unimportant'.

But i think the thing that finally did it for me was this commision they decided to send to the UK becuase our laws were 'worrying'; yes, there are some things this government does that i don't like, but that's what charities like Liberty are for- all AI seemed interested in doing was joining the 'kick the UK' bandwagon with little idea of why it should. I joined AI to add my voice to those who had none; not to add it to a mis-concieved publicity stunt.

Anyway, i have now transfered my membership to Human Rights Watch (which actually does some original invesigation now and then) and Liberty.
Reply 5
They do a lot of good stuff, but I have to admit, they sometimes go a bit all out and full throttle.
They got in Jack Bauers way, and frankly, that means they all deserve to die, the scummy bastards.
Reply 7
They are generally well-meaning, I think. They just have some considerable bias concerning the Israel-Arabs conflict IMO.

I have a friend who works for them, maintaining their databases :smile:
Reply 8
I never trust anything with 'international' in it's name. You can't wing your way around different cultures imposing your moral values no matter how 'morally right' you think to are. Morality, like truth, is relative.