The Student Room Group

Medical Degree and Depression

Basically I'm doing a degree in Biology at the moment in my 2nd year and want to apply for postgrad medicine after this. However I've had bouts of depression on and off for 8 years, I only recently spoke to a doctor about it and he's said I should consider going on medication. I've heard that when applying for medicine you have to fill in details about your medical record- if I do go on anti-depressants and have this on my record will this greatly reduce my chances of getting a place? any info would be useful!
Reply 1
Basically I'm doing a degree in Biology at the moment in my 2nd year and want to apply for postgrad medicine after this. However I've had bouts of depression on and off for 8 years, I only recently spoke to a doctor about it and he's said I should consider going on medication. I've heard that when applying for medicine you have to fill in details about your medical record- if I do go on anti-depressants and have this on my record will this greatly reduce my chances of getting a place? any info would be useful!

You don't have to fill in details about your health when applying to medical school other than the disabilities section on the UCAS form.

Depression is not a barrier to entry into medical school. There are many medical students who have a history of depression/eating disorders etc..

You may get more helpful replies posting this in the medicine sub-forum.

Good luck.