The Student Room Group
ooh good plan (miss?) anonymous. lets make everyone vomit by being all loved up and sickly sweet :biggrin:. i love it.

whenever i see him after a week apart i still get butterflies. he makes me so happy just by being there :smile:. i used to hate the idea of being tied down and now i want to spend the rest of my life with him.

was that what you wanted?? :tongue:
Reply 2
Sounds cheesy but I think you just kinda know when your in love cause that person has the ability to make you happy even if you've had the worst day n u don't wanna b with anyone else.
Reply 3
"Soon I will kill you."

Wait no, that's another feeling.
Reply 4
This thread is like Christmas for every one single. Thanks:yy:
Reply 5
This thread is like Christmas for every one single. Thanks:yy:

Hopefully that wasnt sarcastic.

Back on topic, I'd say it was when you're addicted to your other half :wink:
Reply 6
have u ever seen that cup-a-soup advert 'hug in a mug'- well i feel like i got that wrapped around me when i with him, and its still there when he's not:redface:
Reply 7
have u ever seen that cup-a-soup advert 'hug in a mug'- well i feel like i got that wrapped around me when i with him, and its still there when he's not:redface:

Is your boyfriend a blue furry ball with no legs or head?
I'm not gonna try and describe cos i don't think its something you can put into words. All this descriptions are really a bit sickly sweet and there is nothing wrong with that, but i'm gonna stick to just plain old love rather than all that slushy stuff that people seem to be doing now.
Reply 9
Probably gonna sound corny but love is when you don't want to go to sleep because reality is better than a dream.. Whenv you have a deep connection and long to be together all the time, and even the small things matter.
Reply 10
Probably gonna sound corny but love is when you don't want to go to sleep because reality is better than a dream.. Whenv you have a deep connection and long to be together all the time, and even the small things matter.

Yeah, unless it's unrequited love of course. And then people can't wait to get into bed and get knocked out so they can dream of that person actually being with them! (That sounded mean, but not intentionally).

But as for the whole love thing being cheesy and cliched etc. Of course it is. Cliche is derived from truth because the opinion is common. So love is basically about what all the cliches are...butterflies, walking on air, delusional happiness, wanting their company etc...
Reply 11
Love is when your partner knows the very worst thing about you, and it doesn't matter to either one of you.

At least that's my view :smile: