The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
Lmao! What is with everyone getting caught lol I've been with my b/f for 2 years and we haven't once been caught!! But we have come close lol!
What happened? Did your mum see everything?
Reply 2
She saw enough! Really doesnt work trying to grab the nearest thing to hide your modesty does it......... :biggrin:
I've never been caught..i don't think...:s:

*hopes she never will be*
Reply 4
Nope certainly not, I mean I've been caught my brother and coz I get so frustrated at being caugh, you panick and can't cover yourself with anything in time and you just look like naked idiot! lol
Reply 5
oh noooo...i pray i will never get caught!!
ahem...guys and gals, time to be more careful, no amount of advice seems to work for u ppl....
and doesnt rooms in england have something called a lock or bolt, so that u can do whatever u want comfortably?
Reply 7
I've never been 'caught' in 3 years. We've had a few awkward moments with my hand down his trousers/vice versa on the sofa a few times! :redface:
Reply 8
Seriously why the hell shag someone when your mum is in the house and can walk in...

It's your own fault tbh.
Reply 9
Original post by Á&#328
ahem...guys and gals, time to be more careful, no amount of advice seems to work for u ppl....
and doesnt rooms in england have something called a lock or bolt, so that u can do whatever u want comfortably?

Funnily enough, in a random moment a few weeks ago i was thinking of putting a doorbell on my room, should have done it!

Ah well, that'll teach her to walk in without knocking :wink:
Why would your parents walk into your room without knocking anyway?
It's called respecting your privacy! You could be gettin changed or something!!! Eek!!
My mum and dad have knocked since I was like 12! And a couple of months ago, I fitted a doorbell so now even my 10 yr old brother knocks as he thinks it's cool pressing the doorbell lol! And he thinks it's hilarious coz every time he does my mum and dad get up to answer the front door! hehe :p: :cool:
Ahaha. That would suck.
Reply 12
In a similar vein to my last reply:-

at least she didn't say :-

"Oh great - I was just in the mood for a threesome". :biggrin: :biggrin: :eek:
now why all that fuss of doorbell and all...just screw in a latch inside ur room, and bolt it next time u are into the act...
Reply 14
In a similar vein to my last reply:-

at least she didn't say :-

"Oh great - I was just in the mood for a threesome". :biggrin: :biggrin: :eek:

:eek: :eek: :eek:

That would be pretty disturbing!!! :biggrin:
In a similar vein to my last reply:-

at least she didn't say :-

"Oh great - I was just in the mood for a threesome". :biggrin: :biggrin: :eek:

aah...i cant believe it...u post some of the stirring posts here, and u dont get any warnings or neg rep..and instead, ur rep goes up everyday... iappreciate ur boldness!
Reply 16
thing is though if you do bolt ur door closed its obviouse your up to something!!
Reply 17
thing is though if you do bolt ur door closed its obviouse your up to something!!

yeh- bt at least out of sight out of mind!!:p:
Surely people can hear that something's going on even if the door is shut?
thing is though if you do bolt ur door closed its obviouse your up to something!!

as if otherwise parents dont suspect....its atleast better to hide