The Student Room Group
Have them have a fight to the death with the victorious person winning your heart forever.

But seriously, just enjoy having all the attention. It would nice if all of could have some attention at least some of the time. Don't rush to pick one immediately. Just wait and see. It might be obvious one is right for you and the other is wrong if you give it a bit of time. Rushing things might make you make the wrong choice.

But obviously don't let anything 'develop' too far with either of them during this waiting time.
Reply 2
Have them both.
Together maybe.
I guess they'll never know of the chances of this happening unless they ask them either...are you a guy or a girl? Not that it makes much difference.
weigh up the pros and cons of each of them. Choose the one with the best prospects.
Three in the bed and the little one said:

"Fancy a spit roast?"
Reply 7
weigh up the pros and cons of each of them. Choose the one with the best prospects.

yea i agree with this. figure out how much you like both of them i.e. their personality, how much both of you get along, things in common etc. but whatever you do, just don't choose them both. it's not fair for either of them and you wouldn't want to be called a jerk in the end and end up losing both.
I have exactly the same problem.

Liked this guy at school, he seemed interested but didn't come close to making a move before the term ended.

So term ends and I'm a bit miffed, but I end up going to America with my chamber choir for a ten day tour. Whilst there I become very close to one of the guys there as well. Really began to fall for this guy, having to spend 7am til 11pm with him everyday probably aided this, and at the end of the tour he asked for my number.

That's great (no, seriously!) and we're waiting for the effects of jetlag to wear off so we can have a coffee or something.

Only problem is, now the 1st guy sent me a msg asking me out as soon as I got home.

So, I now face the problem of having two lovely guys asking me out, and not being able to choose between them. I've tried the pros and cons columns and it's not helping at all, done numerology, asked friends' advice, analysed emails/texts, ripped every convo/hug to pieces to look for compatibility signifiers. No luck...

What I'm going to have to do is meet em both for cofffee, separately of course ;-p, and emphasise the fact that at the moment it's just friendly and that I'm not going to make any huge committment for a while. That way, I can see how well I get on with each of them and then make the decision when I feel more sure.

I feel guilty partly, as it can't be fair on them...
Reply 9
flip a coin
Do you like either of them enough to date them? I just mean don't assume you have to go out with one of them! :smile:
"ripped every convo/hug to pieces to look for compatibility signifiers. No luck..."

sounds like your testing windows xp
Two people like me. I like them both. How do I decided?

If they're in different postcodes... date em both for a bit. See who you pefer.