The Student Room Group

Boyfriend or Friends. Should I have to choose?

I really really dont know what to do. Basically I love my boyfriend so much. But noone else does. I really dont understand why but all my friends hate him more than anything, and more than that my twin sister hates him too. Like just now I said I might take him to this party thing and she said she'd DIE if I did.
It means I have to lie about where I am or they stress out, and cant invite him anywhere becuase they get stressed about it. He also doesnt really get it though and kinda think they like him :frown:
More than antyhing my parents really hate him and my mom in particular.

I really dont know whether this is worth it. I feel like people are making me choose and I know its chicks before dicks but its not really very fair.

I aslo cant see why they dont like him :frown:

Reply 1
Why not talk to your friends and family and get reasons why they dont like your boyfriend. You said your twin would die if you took him to a party and your mom really hates him. Surely they must have a reason why they are acting like this. You shouldn't have to choose, but you have to consider why everyone hates him...
Reply 2
They hate him because he broke up with me before over somethings and they dont want me hurt again. .

Twin also says he's kinda boring and geeky :frown:
And my Mom hates him because she doesnt think he's good enough for me (he's not been to uni or nothing) and he's got emotional problems at the moment - like his living arrangements are going t its up and his parents are split and like abusive and stuff and she doesnt want me to have to deal with him. She also thinks he's a tad insane cause the other day he'd argued with his sister and got chucked out the house because of it and had walked the 1/2 hour walk to my house beacuse he had no where else to go in like a teeshirt and nothing on his feet..

I think you're right though. Im kinda scared because what am I missing? I think he's fantastic but apparently he isnt :frown:
Reply 3
They seem overprotective of you if the reason is that they don't want you to be hurt. Just reassure them that you can make decisions for yourself and you don't need them disapproving because it shows disrespect towards you and your boyfriend.

How old are you btw? Why did he break up with you before?
Reply 4
why was he crazy enough to walk barefoot. Couldn't he just have waited outside his sister's place?!
sounds like they have decent reasons not to like him.

but if he makes you happy, thats what really matters :smile:
Reply 6
why was he crazy enough to walk barefoot. Couldn't he just have waited outside his sister's place?!

He blatantly got horny, and went over to her house with this story looking for sympathy sex!
He blatantly got horny, and went over to her house with this story looking for sympathy sex!

blatantly hid his shoes under a bush in the front garden, probably got a toe full of slug when he put em on the next day - mmmmmmmmmmm
I really really dont know what to do. Basically I love my boyfriend so much. But noone else does. I really dont understand why but all my friends hate him more than anything, and more than that my twin sister hates him too. Like just now I said I might take him to this party thing and she said she'd DIE if I did.
It means I have to lie about where I am or they stress out, and cant invite him anywhere becuase they get stressed about it. He also doesnt really get it though and kinda think they like him :frown:
More than antyhing my parents really hate him and my mom in particular.

I really dont know whether this is worth it. I feel like people are making me choose and I know its chicks before dicks but its not really very fair.

I aslo cant see why they dont like him :frown:


I'm actually in this kind of situation too...only that I'm the friend and my friend is the one with the problem guy. NOBODY likes this guy because he's a cocky b*****d. She doesn't see why we all wouldn't like him but then I pointed out to her that he hangs out with her and my brother's group because the whole of his grade (9th) detests him. Now that he's always hanging around with 10th graders (namely my friend, my brother and two other girls), the whole of 10th grade is beginning to detest him. She can't understand why we all hate him. She told me that he's cocky only because he's trying really hard to get people to like him and I'm like "oh yeah right sure uh huh. I was talking about maturity and he starts talking about what a high IQ he has. How NICE of him to try to get me to like him by showing off his IQ which incidentally didn't have ANYTHING to do with my conversation with another friend".

So you see, you know now that your friends are being protective of your feelings and that they have your best interests at heart. But maybe you should tell him that you want to make your own decisions and suffer your own consequences...though if I were you, I'd listen to my mom. If I was your friend listening to you, I'd be all "Do what you want. If it all goes wrong, don't come crying to me because you won't get the 'Aww everything will be alright' from my lips. Get it from someone else." As for your sister's reasons, they're not good enough. Geeky and Boring aren't reasons to dislike someone.
if you like him, who cares what anyone else thinks. simple :smile:
Reply 10
Hmm not sure if I agree with all this 'it doesnt matter what anyone else thinks'. At the end of the day, they're going to have a much clearer perspective of a person than you, because you've got the rose tinted glasses of love on. Really dont mean this in a bad way, but if NONE of your friends or family like him, theres surely another problem somewhere that either you're not telling us or that they see something you dont because you're in love.

You're not going to be able to make a clear judgement on this at the end of the day. I think you need to have a proper chat with your friends and family to try and find out exactly what the problem is. Things like education at the end of it are pretty important - if you guys get married he wont have much chance of supporting you if hes not got any qualifications, which ok may not be that important in this modern world but still has big implications for your security.