Hmm not sure if I agree with all this 'it doesnt matter what anyone else thinks'. At the end of the day, they're going to have a much clearer perspective of a person than you, because you've got the rose tinted glasses of love on. Really dont mean this in a bad way, but if NONE of your friends or family like him, theres surely another problem somewhere that either you're not telling us or that they see something you dont because you're in love.
You're not going to be able to make a clear judgement on this at the end of the day. I think you need to have a proper chat with your friends and family to try and find out exactly what the problem is. Things like education at the end of it are pretty important - if you guys get married he wont have much chance of supporting you if hes not got any qualifications, which ok may not be that important in this modern world but still has big implications for your security.