The Student Room Group

Gay @ York

Hey, I've got an unconditional offer for English at York and am seriously considering accepting. I loved the place when I visited, everyone was friendly and the course was fantastic yet I have some reservations. Obviously, based on the thread title, I'm gay. I know that York has literally no gay nightlife and that doesn't bother me but are there many/any gay students at York? Is there much homophobia etc etc.
Reply 1
There are one or two gay nights in York clubs, actually.

Can't really say much about the homophobia, I don't think its an overwhelmingly homophobic place, but I think thats cuz there is actually quite a few gay people here.

I know about 5 gay people here, and probably a few more if my suspicions are right :wink:
Apparently about 5 of the 8 (or so) male English students in first year are gay - I am in a minority! Oh and I think Toffs on a Sunday is gay night, a mate of mine went once by mistake and a middle-aged gentleman came up to him, stroked his face and said "you're mine" whilst winking at him. Classic stuff. Anyway, I don't think there's much/any real homophobia, although I suppose I wouldn't really notice. Generally people seem very tolerant of others' lifestyle; there's a bi girl in the flat and there's never been any issue. Oh and the English course is great! :wink:
Reply 3
I thought you were going to do law now? At Manchester? :confused:
Reply 4
Yea, I'm keeping my options open. Think if I chose Manchester it'd only be for the city etc, don't think my heart is in law like it is English. I just have tihs amazing feeling of wrongness when I think about law at Manchester.
Nah, no one in York really has any problems with bummers.
Reply 6
As long as there aiant no "fishing" trips down the lake you wont see me raising any eye brows or anything else for that matter....

(im straight by the way..)
I've never had massive problems with homophobia at York University. A few ******s in the first year used to run through the corridor shouting faggots because there were three of us, but that's about it.

There isn't much of a scene in York, although many gay people still go to Toffs on a Sunday and there is a pub which has a gay night on a Monday, although I've never been!

I don't really like any 'gay scene' though, so I guess I'm not the best person to ask.

There is an LGBT society, which I don't attend because it is quite a sex driven society and I don't really like that.

I can't really complain though. I came out in York, I had my first relationship here, I've got lots of friends here who are gay and I haven't experienced too much homophobia.
Don't even bother with the LGB society or Toffs on a Sunday night, just hop on the train to Leeds on a Monday and Thursday night. It's about £8 for a day-return and trains run back to York til like 3 a.m!

'Pink Pound' on a Monday in Queens Court is pretty cool, the DJ spins out some really crap stuff but it's a pound a drink, so no complaints. 'Homo' in Mission on a Thursday is excellent, 3 different rooms and good tunes (Mission played host to none other than Chico just after Xmas!).

If you wanna do further afield, there's always Sheffield nearby, which aint bad.