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Deloitte are scum!!
Reply 2
hey dan i did the deloitte final assessment day in feb and have been offered a place. I asked the very same question a few months ago and got this response:

hi, i went to the assessment day last week and have been offered a place.
basically, dont worry about it, you will enjoy the day i promise, if you've got that far then your not out of your depth. that is my view anyway as i was quite worried about it all at first.
as for the e-tray exercise, there is nothing you can do to prepare.
you start with six emails that you must read through and select the most appropriate replies for (multiple choice). based on your answer you will continue to receive emails that you must reply to in order for your team to get through the project. you will receive about 28 emails in total, of which you have an hour to reply to. just make sure you read all emails and use the "info boxes" down the side to base your decisions on.
after this you then get another email and you have to produce a written response to this in half an hour, advising the person on a particular course of action, again, you given loads of info. there is no right or wrong answers, it basically just tests your decision making skills and time management.

you get taken to lunch for two hours then so its not too bad, was a pretty nice lunch i thought. in the afternoon you do a group exercise where your put in fours and have to conduct a meeting to solve a particular task, something about being an events co-ordinantor panel for a newly merged company. not difficult, just testing your interaction with others. and then the partner interview.... mine was not like the first one at all, we talked about various things, things we had in common, he talked to me alot and also slotted a few competency questions in there but nothing as structured as the first round.
however, i know of one other person that theirs was structured and another that just talked about rugby.
my advice would be to just know what the company is about and what you want. you can use similar examples from first interview and expand on your application form.
sorry for bad typing, im in a rush.
let me know if you have anymore questions, you can PM me and i know there are a few Deloitte people kicking around on here.

would def agree with all that and it is an enjoyable experience, one thing i would add is do not rush the first etray section as i finished with like 20 minutes left, then went back and found loads of things i got wrong but couldnt change. the most important thing is the partner interview though, and if this goes well it will dramatically improve your chances of getting in.

BTW i also received an offer for pwc but there are not nearly as many perks involved and the pay was almost 2 grand less, so pwc are scum!!!
Yeh better short-term perks, but I didn't like the Deloitte application process. The online tests rejected me, yet at PwC assessment day I beat 95% of the other applicants.

I agree though, the partner interview is key.
Reply 4
Check you message box, I PM'd you :biggrin: I thought the Deloitte application process was the easier than KPMG and PwC. The online tests compare your performance with performance of other people applying to the same office as you.

I prefer KPMG and Deloitte over PwC, they both seemed friendlier. IMO a few of the people I've met from PwC have been a bit up their own arses! But it goes down to personal preference I guess, I felt much more at home in the Deloitte office.

I know Deloitte pay more than PwC in Southampton and Cardiff...dunno about else where though.
Reply 5

Thats a KPMG one but they are similar.

Other than that other people have posted basically what you should expect. Just smile and dont worry about nerves as everyone else feels the same way. Dont be too fake or anything and you'll be ok.

Im not @ edinburgh btw, but i spent ages looking for practice etrays and somehow I stumbled onto that link
Reply 6
Have a look at the link Ashman posted- you should find it helpful. Well done for finding it i would have found something like that really helpfull!
The e-tray is slightly different set up like microsoft outlook and for the final part there is no spell check! i thought i was going to die when i found that out!
Everything everybody has said pretty much sums it out, just take your time in the first part as a lot of people rush and finish with loads of time. Like it has been said before make sure you read all the info- if you are not sure about the answer it is liekly to be in there.
For the second part you WILL run out of time. make sure you put the bulk of the content at the begining so that if you do run out of time you hae already made your point. Just make sure you back you choice up with reasons.
Reply 7
You won't necessarily run out of time on the second part if you structure your reply well. They're not expecting long prose; short bullet-point style responses are sufficient. Remember to take notes from your email, maybe as you write it, because it will form the basis of the roleplay you do!
Reply 8
you guys are awesome.
thanks very much
everything is v helpful.
now all i have 2 do is prepare myself, lol

Reply 9
Check you message box, I PM'd you :biggrin: I thought the Deloitte application process was the easier than KPMG and PwC. The online tests compare your performance with performance of other people applying to the same office as you.

I prefer KPMG and Deloitte over PwC, they both seemed friendlier. IMO a few of the people I've met from PwC have been a bit up their own arses! But it goes down to personal preference I guess, I felt much more at home in the Deloitte office.

I know Deloitte pay more than PwC in Southampton and Cardiff...dunno about else where though.

Hi fubu,
Any chance you could give me some more info on the e-tray too? would be very much appreciated.
Reply 10
Original post by Psychotik
Hi fubu,
Any chance you could give me some more info on the e-tray too? would be very much appreciated.

Did you really just try and bring up a 4y old thread? Jesus.