The Student Room Group
York. Not got the time to tell you why right now, but York!
Reply 2
I can tell you that the Politics course at York is fantastic, loads of options for second and third years and some brilliant lecturers. Likewise, from what I've heard from historian friends, of the the History course at York. York, as far as I can tell, is a bit better respected overall, and I think the Politics department is particularly well-recognised.
I had a friend who applied (and got offers from) York and Sheffield, for straight history, and he chose York because he said it had a better rep then sheffield for history, and I think it's better regarded in general as well.
Reply 4
Anno york is better respected, it was just the course at sheffield looked a lot more varied - lots more to choose from and i have found it quite hard to find out about york's options that much - esp politics.
I am leaning more towards york, but iv not heard anything about sheffield as to whether its good or not!
Reply 5
York = my firm, sheffield = my insurance if I can go to uni 2006. Can't fault either but York is meant to be amazing for teaching and it's a more prestigious uni (if that's important) so I'd probably put that as your firm choice. Sheffield is considered a good uni defo and it's got a fun night life, as well as being the safest city in the UK - to say something good about Sheffield.
Cauncey Boy
Anno york is better respected, it was just the course at sheffield looked a lot more varied - lots more to choose from and i have found it quite hard to find out about york's options that much - esp politics.
I am leaning more towards york, but iv not heard anything about sheffield as to whether its good or not!

Some of my friends doing politics here applied to sheffield because it has a good reputation for politics, my friend had it as his insurance because he really like the politics department. It must be difficult with joint honours if one part of your course is taught better at one uni, and the other part at another! I guess the thing to do is visit them (or go again if you have already) and see if you're drawn to one of them. Have you tried emailing an admissions tutor or anything like that? Must be difficult for you to choose if you can't find out that much about the course!
York = my firm, sheffield = my insurance if I can go to uni 2006. Can't fault either but York is meant to be amazing for teaching and it's a more prestigious uni (if that's important) so I'd probably put that as your firm choice. Sheffield is considered a good uni defo and it's got a fun night life, as well as being the safest city in the UK - to say something good about Sheffield.

Really? I live near Sheffield and never heard that! Some of my friends at uni in Leeds said that when they told people they were from sheffield, they said it had a reputation for a lot of people being stabbed! I've never had any trouble on a night out though, seems to be lots of policemen about etc. and you don't see too much fighting or anything. Very student-friendly too :biggrin:
Reply 8
Really? I live near Sheffield and never heard that! Some of my friends at uni in Leeds said that when they told people they were from sheffield, they said it had a reputation for a lot of people being stabbed! I've never had any trouble on a night out though, seems to be lots of policemen about etc. and you don't see too much fighting or anything. Very student-friendly too :biggrin:

Yah it's on the first page of their prospectus so unless it's false advertising I'm inclined to believe it. Maybe it's the safest city bar stabbings.
Reply 9
I heard that about sheffield.
Quite a few people have said that the crime rate is high, but ur right the prospectus does say summat about it being really safe.
Its also got the lowest standard of living, which is good from a student perspective but i wouldn't say that its good from a living perspective!!

On the point about joint degree courses - its true! its annoying when some unis have really good politics depts (e.g. sheffield and hull i think) and aren't as high for history!!!
York's good for both though...
Reply 10
Cauncey Boy
i have found it quite hard to find out about york's options that much - esp politics.

If you tell me what areas you're interested in I can try and remember what sort of modules there are. If it's any help, over the next two years I'm doing Politics of Development, Philosophy of Criminal Law and Cities and Social Theory, or something like that. Obviously the same modules won't be available every year, but you can get the general idea.
Reply 11
Cauncey Boy

This might be asking a stupid question but I wanna know whether I should accept an offer for History/Politics at York or Int History/Int Politics at Sheffield.

Just wondered if anyone had any thoughts on the two in comparison.

They both seem good for my course so...

Seriously there is no contest...York all the way.
Reply 12
York hands down.
Go with York. It has very good politics and history departments and has a better overall repuatation than Sheffield.
Yah it's on the first page of their prospectus so unless it's false advertising I'm inclined to believe it. Maybe it's the safest city bar stabbings.

Tbh, i've not heard of many stabbings, it's people from outside the area who seem to think that.:rolleyes:
York definitely. Both politics and history are brilliant epartments at York and te city and uni are muhc nicer than Sheffield (though Sheffield as a city has improved in recent years)
Reply 16
If you tell me what areas you're interested in I can try and remember what sort of modules there are. If it's any help, over the next two years I'm doing Politics of Development, Philosophy of Criminal Law and Cities and Social Theory, or something like that. Obviously the same modules won't be available every year, but you can get the general idea.

I'm into like International relations and stuff like that.
Political theory is ok as well
I mainly like the way it fits in with history, looking at political leaders and systems around the world over the years
Cauncey Boy
i have found it quite hard to find out about york's options that much - esp politics.

Politics options for 2006-2008: